View Full Version : Nakashima Studios Tour - 15 October

Jim Becker
09-27-2005, 10:48 AM
Anyone within reasonable distance of SE PA who is interested in (or covets) George Nakashima's work might want to jump quickly on the opportunity for a full studio tour at the Nakashima compound near New Hope, PA, that is offered by the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown PA. The event is 15 October and space is limited. It includes a box lunch and a walking tour of the entire facility...much more than you can see by dropping in on Saturday afternoons normally. Cost is $50 which benefits the art museum. If you want in on this, best call 215-340-9800 ASAP.

Dr. SWMBO and I did this tour a few years ago...and it was eye opening.

John Miliunas
09-27-2005, 1:40 PM
Only in my dreams, Jim. Only in my dreams!:( Funny thing, though. LOML and I were just talking about Nakashima yesterday evening! She was watching some program on HGTV and they had a little overview of some of Nakashima's work. I already thought very highly of it and now the LOML has found the same appreciation for it!:) (Gee....Maybe we're not so different, after all!:D ) Thanks for the heads up anyway, Jim.:) :cool:

Keith Hooks
09-27-2005, 4:25 PM
For some reason I thought his studio was on the West coast.

Jim Becker
09-27-2005, 4:31 PM
Keith, he first setup shop on the left-coast but moved east early on in his furniture career and stayed until his death. His daughter runs the business now. If you can, try to read his book, Soul of a Tree, which not only provides a wonderful insight in to this woodworking thing we all love, but also a great chronology of his career.

Corey Hallagan
09-27-2005, 6:07 PM
I saw that was mentioned on an HGTV Design show last night. Very interesting stuff.


Gail O'Rourke
09-27-2005, 8:13 PM
Jim, I am a big fan....but I will be ASWR that weekend, otherwise I would be making the trip.

By the way, the Sawmill in that area is called Spacht Sawmill, David Spacht, Norristown maybe.

Joe Mioux
09-27-2005, 8:48 PM
"Soul of a Tree" Is worth the read. It is on my night stand.

Jim Becker
09-27-2005, 10:14 PM
Gail, they have "normal" hours on Saturday afternoons 1-4 if you find your way down this way sometime. You can't see quite as much...just the regular showroom/office and the Conoid gallery, but it's still a nice experience. The Mitchner Museum in Doylestown also has a small room outfitted by Nakashima. (As well as a few other outstanding commissioned pieces by others elsewhere in the building)

Dan Larson
09-28-2005, 12:32 AM
Thanks for the heads up, Jim.

Visiting the Nakashima compound is on my list of things to do someday. Unfortunately a last minute trip to the east coast just isn't in the cards for me this fall...

Another worthwhile read: "Nature Form & Spirit, The Life and Legacy of George Nakashima" by Mira Nakashima. She provides a unique perspective on her father's life and work.


Kelly C. Hanna
09-28-2005, 8:14 AM
I'll bet that is a fun tour....to far for me!

Jim Becker
09-28-2005, 8:32 AM
Dan, I haven't read Mira's new book yet, but it's on my list.

John Shuk
09-28-2005, 8:30 PM
Unfortunately It coincides with the turning symmposium I'll be at that weekend. I'll have to keep a watch out for another chance like this. I'm sure even the "regular"tour would be a mind blower for me.

Jim Becker
09-28-2005, 8:35 PM
John, they run these every once in awhile as a fund raiser for the museum. I'll be sure to post again in the future if I see one coming up since I know there are folks here would would really love this deluxe exposure to Nakashima's original work and current material coming out of the shop by the skilled craftspeople. We are "members" of the museum and I do skim through the newsletters as they arrive periodically.