View Full Version : Chance to buy a One Way 2436 in NM for $2800. Is it worth it?

Steve Mathews
07-31-2016, 12:06 PM
I have a chance to buy a One Way 2436 lathe in New Mexico while on vacation. He is asking $2800 for it and seems to be in fine condition. Is it worth considering as an upgrade to my present Powermatic 3520A? I'm new to wood turning and probably wouldn't appreciate the better made tool now but since I'm enjoying the hobby I may later. I hate to pass on a good deal if it is one.

Alan Trout
07-31-2016, 12:09 PM
Thats a good deal if it is in good shape. Typically I see good used ones go for about 5k depending on what is comes with.

Steve Mathews
07-31-2016, 12:12 PM
Thats a good deal if it is in good shape. Typically I see good used ones go for about 5k depending on what is comes with.

Good and bad news depending on whether it's mine or my wife's point of view.

Joe Mioux
07-31-2016, 12:18 PM
Here is an old thread that might help.

Roger Chandler
07-31-2016, 5:05 PM
Super lathe, good deal if in good shape........will it do anything the 3520a won't....not really except do outboard turning with the right bed extension. You could sell the powermatic, and have a win/win!

John Grace
07-31-2016, 5:51 PM
You'll hate this answer but here goes...it's relative. Have you maxed out the abilities of the lathe you currently own? The Oneway certainly appears to be a good value...but also consider factoring in the cost of what you'll do with your PM. Any loss on a re-sale of that machine is an 'add-on' cost to the Oneway. Will your current accessories fit the Oneway and what costs will that incur? Don't get me wrong...I'm personally all about buying tool at a good value and improving your shop experience, just thought I'd turn your question a few degrees off center for your consideration. Good luck...

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-31-2016, 6:34 PM
$2800 is a low price for a 2436 in good condition, especially if it comes with some accessories. I traded my PW for a 2436 and haven't regretted it even though I probably paid way too much for mine. I sold my 3520B for a very good price. I kept all my chucks but had to buy new inserts for everything because the 2436 spindle is 33mm versus the 1 1/4" shaft on the PW. Also be aware, the morse taper on the driven side of the Oneway is #2 but the taper in the tailstock is #3. You will need morse taper adapters to use anything that fits the tailstock. You can call Oneway and tell them the serial number and they will tell you when the lathe was built. If you have the money and another few hundred to replace some accessories, go for it. You will love the lathe.