View Full Version : Fathers Day Project

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-14-2003, 5:07 PM
Yep, I'm at it again! ;) After making a Decorative Box for my Mom on Mothers Day, I decided that Dad should get the same treatment. He always says I never make HIM anything, so I decided to give it a go. I really fell in love with this box design, so I altered the size a little, and came up with this. As you can see, the wood choice is Leopardwood and Cherry. I think the light Cherry compliments the Leopardwood nicely. The size of this box is 6 1/2" x 7 3/4" x 4" tall. Overall height, including the lid and handle is about 7" tall. This is the first time I have worked Leopardwood, and I have to tell you it was a treat. It works much easier than I thought it would, and it planed well without tear out, which surprised me a LOT. I used Tung Oil for the finish, and will be hand rubbing a coat of wax on it later today. All together, probably about 4 hours total time to put this one together. This including Resawing the Leopardwood and Cherry, glue-up and cutting the pieces, and assembly. As you probably can guess, the most time is involved in cutting and prepping the feet and handle assembly. I like this one so well, I should probably keep it for myself, but I know that Dad will like it more, so that is where it's new home will be. It really is an honor to be able to share my work with everyone here at the Creek, and I appreciate the comments and views. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads....................hope your day is the BEST! :D

Terry Quiram
06-14-2003, 7:02 PM

You nailed it again! I also like the design, but havn't made any. This is pretty good insperation for me to get off the dime.


Kevin Gerstenecker
06-14-2003, 7:09 PM
Thanks for the compliment Terry, I appreciate it. For anyone that is interested, I have the plans and I will share them with anyone that is interested. Just let me know, and I will shoot copies of them and send them to you. They are really fun to build, and a nice little quick project that offers the best results. Thanks for taking a look! :)

Jim Young
06-14-2003, 7:45 PM
Absolutely beautiful Kevin. I'm thinking four hours has to be a record of some kind. It would take me longer than that just to plan it.

Joe Tonich
06-14-2003, 8:12 PM

Your pumping out those NICE looking boxes like Ken with his pens! :D Where do you find the shop time?? I wouldn't mind having the plans to make one. You do good work.


Jim Becker
06-14-2003, 8:20 PM
Oy...that's an amazing box! You wanna be my dad??? :D

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-14-2003, 9:24 PM
Joe, sometimes it is hard to find shop time, but I knocked this one out in 2 evenings last week, Thursday and Friday, a couple of hours each night. I have been Woodworking since I could crawl, but I don't consider myself an expert by any means...........I learn something new almost everytime I log on here! ;) Besides the fact that it has been raining for weeks here in Central Illinois, so I have the yard work on hold. I try to spend at least a little time in the shop each evening, even if I am just looking at the latest Magazine, or cleaning, or just piddling around. My Shop and passion for Woodworking is my therapy from the everyday hustle and bustle................the only thing better is time in the Tree Stand on our Acreage. As far as Jim's comment goes, I cannot be your Dad, but I am willing to be adopted to be your Son. But to be fair I have to warn you................I am VERY high maintenance! :D Thanks again for the compliments, it means more than words can express, and I appreciate it very much. If anyone is interested in the plans for these boxes, I will be happy to send them to you. Just drop me an email with your address, and I will copy them and send them right out........Gratis. You can't beat the price, and they are really very easy to build. ;)

You can track me down on the net at kgersty@aol.com

John Miliunas
06-14-2003, 11:08 PM
Of work coming out of your shop there, Kevin! In other words, beautiful, as usual! I need to get my mitts on some nice wood and give that one a go myself, especially seeing as to how I already have the dern plans! Also, I agree with Jim Young...It would take me close to those four hours to plan the thing! :cool:

Dan McGuire
06-15-2003, 8:43 AM

That is one nice piece of work!!! I too am amazed at the four time frame on the project, No matter what I am working on, I spend at least four hours tyring to remember where I laid my pencil down:)

Jason Roehl
06-15-2003, 8:48 AM
Seems to me that some of the best "experts" refuse to acknowledge themselves as such. Looks to me like you're a box "expert" or quickly becoming one. The box looks good!

Mike Schwing
06-15-2003, 10:20 AM
Kevin, that looks really nice! If I'm not mistaken though, those plans you offered to send folks for free are not owned by you. I believe they came from WOOD magazine and they do not permit free distribution of their plans, even slightly modified for size.

I'm totally sure this was an oversight, but those guys work hard to put that magazine together and they deserve to be paid for their work, in my opinion (and I think the law's as well).

In addition, I doubt that the fine folks here that own Sawmillcreek would want to jeapordize their site by permitting that as well.

However - you might just be the original owner of said plans. If so - great plans! I've made several of them.

Beautiful box.

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-15-2003, 11:20 AM
Mike, you are correct that the plans were originated by Wood Magazine. It is not my intent to break any laws by distributing these plans, I just thought I would help out the great folks here at Sawmill Creek. The last thing I want to do is break any laws, or aggravate the folks at Wood Magazine, where I have been a subscriber for many years. If this is a problem, I am very sorry, I don't wish to get myself or the administration of this forum in any hot water. Maybe I will have to rescind my offer of these plans, I was just trying to help, not cause anyone, including myself, any problems. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Mike Schwing
06-15-2003, 11:33 AM
Kevin, the only reason I even thought of that is because I did the same thing once, and someone let me know about it, which I was most grateful for. I was simply trying to be as friendly and helpful as a woodworker could possibly be - as I know you were also.

I wouldn't worry about it a bit.