View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....PIC

Dennis Peacock
09-26-2005, 8:57 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone and I'm glad that Saturday is over with any way. :rolleyes:

We had storms come through on Saturdays afternoon early evening. A tornado formed just above us and cause some tree damage to our 175 year old Red Oak tree in our front yard. The limb in the pic was a mere 52 years old and it brought down another 3 limbs with it when the winds twirled about enough to cause the limbs to snap at the trunk. Amazing force!

Worked on the cabinets more on Friday night, Saturday a little before the storms moved in. I worked for "work" Saturday morning until a little past noon.

I spent all of Sunday afternoon after church with my chainsaw in hand cleaning up the mess from Saturday nights storms. Man, I haven't spent 3 straight hours behind a chainsaw in a LONG time.!!

Anyway, we're all safe and sound....but if the limb had of fallen about 3 feet to the North? Our house would have suffered greatly.

Back to working on cabinets this week.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Mark Cothren
09-26-2005, 9:24 AM
I helped some guy w/ cabinets on Friday night and Saturday afternoon...http://www.thewoodworkers.us/phpBB2/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Saturday morning was spent in the shop turning on a couple of different bowls. Saturday evening was spent watchin' for twisters while the sirens screamed at us.

I also managed to watch Dennis' DVD of Raffan turning boxes. Very good DVD!

Jim O'Dell
09-26-2005, 9:33 AM
Dennis, glad it missed the house! Could have been much worse. Here, not a drop af rain from the storm you got. Can't believe it totally missed us.

We did dog shows again. They were here this weekend. Had fun visiting with friends. But we were dislodged from our normal venue, which was being used to house evacuees from Katrina, and possibly some from Rita. The local club did a good job to make things work, but it sure was hot for the dogs and exhibitors.

Did a couple honey-do's since we showed late in the day Sat. and Sun., but no real shop time. Have a great week everyone. For those with storm damage, I hope your cleanup activities go quickly and safely. Jim.

Jeff Sudmeier
09-26-2005, 9:37 AM
I finally got back to my lathe!! I got a bunch of fun stuff done, including my first working cigar pen. It's still not good enough to show here, but at least I have a working one. I really like the looks of it!

Byron Trantham
09-26-2005, 9:47 AM
Still working on the Bunk Bed project. I'm done with all the construction. I dry fitted all the major pieces and everything worked except tow holes! :eek: Not bad since all the holes were located using my CAD drawing. I have already started applying the stain on the last of the pieces. It will probably take a week to finish with the finish.

Jim Hager
09-26-2005, 9:55 AM
We too had rain over the weekend and lots of wind up here in the N.E. corner of the state. It did now however get violent, just rained all day Saturday. About time however.

Saturday I did another order of RP red oak doors for a customer. I glued up the panels on Friday night. A smaller order than I have been doing so I finished all 26 doors on Saturday. I got another order last Monday for 43 doors so I cut out all the pieces for them yesterday. This week, in the evenings, I will plane the panels to 5/8th and raise the panels so I have everything ready for assembly on Saturday of next weekend.

Today I'm back at work but I am wondering how much longer I should stick around here. :confused: Working full time and also operating a cabinet shop runs into a lot of work. :D

Matt Meiser
09-26-2005, 10:11 AM
Saturday I got a bunch of projects done around the house including finishing up wiring & programming our security system, replacing the worn out foam in the seat of my truck, and puttting up trim around the windows and entry door in our garage. I also finished a shop project I started almost a year ago--putting microswitches on my blast gates. The microswitches trip a 12V relay that turns my blower on and off. I wish I had finished it a year ago! No more forgetting to close the blast gates, or not using the DC because I'm only doing one cut and would have to go across the shop to get the remote.

On Sunday afternoon I spent more time in the shop sorting all the hardware I got when I went on one of trips to Chicago and glued up a panel for a door over the steel door on our house's electrical panel. The previous owners had made one from plywood that doesn't come close to matching the cabinets in the utility room.

Andy Hoyt
09-26-2005, 10:35 AM
I spent the weekend in delivery mode (aka payday)

David Wilson
09-26-2005, 10:37 AM
Turned another walnut bowl on saturday and had a tool grab and hurt my pinkey. Decided I need a bowl gouge. Sunday we took my mom to the casino for lunch and got lucky. Won a $300.00 jackpot so now I can afford one.

Jim Becker
09-26-2005, 10:46 AM
Shopped for some clothing for the girls on Friday night...we basically get them "naked" and have to provide everything when we finally get to travel for court and to bring them home. (Really...) Saturday, after a late start, I did some more work at getting the house ready for cold weather, sealing up things for air infiltration, etc. It's going to be a brutal winter for fuel costs, so anything to help mitigate that is going to pay off. Later in the day, I started on some pens to be used as gifts when we travel and worked on more on Sunday. More about that in the Turning Forum. Sunday evening, we went to a friend's house for dinner and had a very nice time. Now, it's back to work for another five days...weekends are SO short... ;)

John Gregory
09-26-2005, 10:51 AM
When we built the shop 3 years ago, I ran an extra empty 3/4" conduit from the house. Saturday we pulled video, phone and data cable to the shop with the help of my son in law. We had been using a cordless phone with the base in the house, about 130' away. It was a bit hard to hear the callers. And now with cable TV in the shop, we won't miss any Utah Jazz games this year while working out there. I don't have any immediate plans to connect a data jack out there. But decided to pull the cable out anyway.

David Hayes
09-26-2005, 11:19 AM
Turned a dozen Freedom Pens out of red oak and cherry on Saturday. Sunday afternoon, turned three pens for a co-worker out of American Chestnut salvaged from his FOL's barn in NC.

Finished off the rest of the time playing with the kids and watching football.

Scott Coffelt
09-26-2005, 1:44 PM
My son had is first flag football game, team pictures on Saturday. Country Club Plaza Art Fair in the afternoon. I was disapointed in that there were less wood based artist this year. One person had some really nice stuff www.dennispaulpeterson.com that I liked. Several folks selling their version of boxes and even one guy (who I forgot to grab a biz card) that made water fountains out of wood. Very neat, but not sure of the finish he used as he didn't want to share that with me... figures I would just build my own.

Then, dinner and movie with a friend who is recently seperated. We had to get him out of the apartment, I think he was going stir crazy.

Cleaned the garage, yard work and some TV sports on Sunday.

Glad winter is coming, cause I really need to get my rear into the shop and not have outside distractions.

Mike Tempel
09-26-2005, 2:01 PM
Spent the weekend running from, then into, and finally enduring a hurricane. Other than that it was kinda boring:eek: :eek: :eek: .

Keith Foster
09-26-2005, 3:24 PM
Spent the weekend running from, then into, and finally enduring a hurricane. Other than that it was kinda boring:eek: :eek: :eek: .
'Bout the same here. Spent the weekend seeing if I really could get the Grizzly showroom AND two cars, a riding lawn mower, a push mower, a tool box, all the patio furniture, and a bunch of other stuff in the garage - ALL AT ONCE!

Yep, sure can! Had to sit on the door to close it though... :cool:

Vaughn McMillan
09-26-2005, 3:53 PM
No shop time this weekend...work has me pretty tied up day and night for the next few weeks.

I did manage to sneak away Sunday afternoon to revisit the LA County Fair with SWMBO. I attended the evening concert at the racetrack so see some "Little Ol' Band From Texas"...uh haw haw haw haw!

- Vaughn