View Full Version : Finished LOML's Oak dresser this weekend

Jim Knauss
09-26-2005, 4:27 AM
Hello all,
Finally finished this dresser for my wife. Its made with qswo and poplar for the drawers to keep it lighter. ( The thing weighs a ton!) Used the plan in Wood's recent issue and modified it a tad. Loml wanted it to match an existing antique piece as close as possible. For finish I used Zar Spanish Oak stain, 2 coats shellac, and three wipe on poly coats. Fist time using Shellac and must say I liked it! Lots of firsts on this project and learned alot. Lots of mistakes along the way.
Thanks for looking,

Vaughn McMillan
09-26-2005, 4:48 AM
That's a great job, Jim. It has "instant heirloom" written all over it. And if any mistakes are still visible, you did a good job of keeping them out of the photos. The detailing on the drawers is very nice, and I like the looks of the side panels, too. Excellent all around.

- Vaughn

Mike Cutler
09-26-2005, 5:29 AM
Very nice. If you made a lot of mistakes along the way, you must have learned from them very fast. That came out great, nice worl all 'round

Kirk (KC) Constable
09-26-2005, 6:24 AM
Very nice. Looks like some nice detail on the drawers...got any closeup pics?


Keel McDonald
09-26-2005, 7:27 AM
Nice color. Very nice size too.

Gail O'Rourke
09-26-2005, 7:34 AM
Jim, it is my hope someday to make a piece without any mistakes...someday.

This dresser is really gorgeous. I like the drawer detail and that oak is really pretty. That's a lot of drawers also.

Keep up the good work.

Jeff Sudmeier
09-26-2005, 8:48 AM

That sure does look great!! I like the smaller drawers at the top. It would make for much easier storage.

How tall is it?

Pete Harbin
09-26-2005, 8:53 AM
You must have learned quickly Jim because that is a very nice piece! :)

I like that detail on the drawers.


Sean Hughes
09-26-2005, 8:57 AM
Beautiful piecce Jim!! How arre the drawer fronts attached?

Shelley Bolster
09-26-2005, 9:03 AM
I agree with Vaughn Jim, with out a doubt you have created an "instant heirloom". Wonderful, wonderful piece! Take a bow, you deserve it.:)

Roger Myers
09-26-2005, 9:37 AM
Looks terrific Jim!
Will become a family treasure! Hope you remembered to sign and date the piece so that future generations that will cherish this piece have that information.
Great job & thanks for sharing the pics!

Jason Tuinstra
09-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Jim, the dresser turned out great. I like the finish as well. I'm sure that many generations will get use out of this. Enjoy and congrats on a job well done.

Jim Becker
09-26-2005, 10:32 AM
Beautiful work, Jim. It really does have that "heirloom" look!! Great project!

John Gregory
09-26-2005, 11:06 AM
Great looking project. We have yet to finish a project with no mistakes. Part of the challenge of woodworking is finding ways to correct your mistakes so no one else sees them.

Lee Schierer
09-26-2005, 12:38 PM
Excellent work James! I really like how it looks and the finish. I can't tell from the pictures, but hopefully you also finished the drawers inside so LOML's things won't hang up on the wood.

Von Bickley
09-26-2005, 12:45 PM
Great looking piece of furniture.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-26-2005, 1:19 PM
Excellent work Jim! I'm with others......how about a closeup shot of the drawer fronts so we can "steal" the design!

Jim Knauss
09-26-2005, 5:28 PM
Just got home from work and cant believe all the nice comments. You people are the best! Kirk, Ill try to get some close-ups, loml has it filled up already :) Jeff, its 50" tall 34 wide and 24 deep. The tops a little bigger. Sean the drawers are put together with sliding dovetails, a first for me! Kind of easy actually. Lee, no finish on inside, loml puts like shelf paper in them. I probrobly should shelac them? I just used a beading bit on the fronts.Here are a few close-ups. Im not that good at picture taking either. :) Again I can't thank you enough for the kind words. To me, 3/4 the fun of making something is showing people. Maybe I'm wierd.

Tony Falotico
09-26-2005, 5:55 PM
Very Nice Jim, Very Nice.... the LOYL will be very happy with that.

BTW: Like the VW in the background. Brings back fond memories.

Mike Vermeil
09-26-2005, 6:19 PM
Slug bug!

Sorry, flashbacks to childhood. Awesome work.

Jim Knauss
09-26-2005, 6:44 PM
Tony, VW is one of my many toys. :) My wife says my hobby is finding new hobbies! I have owned MANY VW's in the 60's(all I could afford in the service.)Forgot how crude they are but its fun!

Richard Wolf
09-26-2005, 6:48 PM
Great job on the chest of drawers.


Peter Stahl
09-26-2005, 6:53 PM

Looks really nice! I put lots of mistakes in the stuff I make.

Tony Falotico
09-26-2005, 8:24 PM
Tony, VW is one of my many toys. :) My wife says my hobby is finding new hobbies! I have owned MANY VW's in the 60's(all I could afford in the service.)Forgot how crude they are but its fun!

Crude maybe, but they were cool :cool: :cool: If I remember correctly 10 gallon gas tank x 17.9 cents per gallon at 30 mpg = uhhhh...... 300 miles for less than $2. And YES they COULD hold 4 people AND 4 surfboards. And -- you could buy a BRAND NEW one for under $1,000 (early 60's they were $599, 1967-68 they were still $799).

Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,........... La La La (doggone, forgot the rest of the words!)

Sam Blasco
09-26-2005, 8:54 PM
You've incorporated your mistakes very well. I can't see them. Really nice job.

Corey Hallagan
09-26-2005, 9:19 PM
Very very nice. I agree with Vaughn, just a great looking piece all around.


Jules Dominguez
09-26-2005, 10:06 PM

John Miliunas
09-26-2005, 11:01 PM
Great work, Jim! I really love the details on the drawers. And speaking thereof, you sure got a workout with all of those!!!:) I can only hope to make something that nice. Maybe one of these years!:) :cool:

George Bledsoe
09-27-2005, 9:58 AM
You did a great job on the dresser. The detail on the drawer really stands out.

I recently finished 4 of them out of Qtr sawn white oak that I cut on my mill. By the time I was done I was burned out on drawers and then some. They came out ok and my wife really likes her dressers, and ain't that what it is all about.