View Full Version : Heat curing of various glues......

Doug Rasmussen
07-25-2016, 11:25 AM
I'm looking for first hand experiences in the use of heat to speed up curing of glues.

I have access to a small hobby sized heated platen press. Being impatient waiting hours for glue ups in segmented turning to cure is not my idea of fun so the press may be the solution.

Thus far, in Googling, I'm fairly sure heat is acceptable for epoxies and Weldwood plastic resin glue. Not sure about the PVA types (Titebond,etc) and the CA's.

How much heat, the temperature, is another question.

Bob Coates
07-28-2016, 5:32 PM
I see no one has answered so here is what I do. Don't use heat. I use titebond iii and glue ring, wait about 1/2 hr, flat sand one side and glue to base. In 1/2 the ring just attached is ready to be flattened on top side. I don't get crazy while flattening the ring- I will do this number of times and then let it cure overnight. Next day turn inside and outside of previous days glue up. The rings I use can have from 8 to 48 segments and so far the only time a ring has come apart is when I missed gluing one of the segments. -- I know, I am now jinxed.


Geoff Whaling
07-29-2016, 4:29 PM
Hot presses are common in high production environments so are RF systems for PVA fast cure. Products such as Titebond II can be used with RF & hot / cold press systems.





Doug Rasmussen
07-29-2016, 10:01 PM
Geoff, thanks for th reply.

I'm aware of RF, but don't have any access to it.

Unless I missed it, in the link to Titebond glues I didn't see anything about heated press curing. In my previous Googling I did see a mention somewhere about heat pressing softening PVA glues. Titebond glues are the most readily available glues for me. I'll give Titebond a call next week.

The Franklin link mentioned hot press curing for one of their products, but when I searched "locate a distributor" they didn't show any in the Western United States. Nice curing chart they show, I'm assuming when the chart says 1'15", that mean one hour and 15 minutes?

Geoff Whaling
07-31-2016, 7:08 AM
1'15" = 75 seconds but that is for a piece only 1/32" thick. 1/4" thick at 170F would be 6' 47" or almost 7 minutes.

Titebond® Premium II - "A shelf stable, one part (pre-catalysed) cross-linking PVA adhesive. It is recommended for high frequency and hot or cold press, edge and face gluing and finger joint applications." On LH bottom of PDF in the 3rd link I posted. The tabulation on RH page contradicts the text on LH page.

Don Orr
08-10-2016, 2:42 PM
A guy in our club makes segmented bracelets and uses an old microwave to set his glue quickly-like in seconds. We were all quite surprised how well it worked.