View Full Version : Tour of my small shop (PICS)

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 2:00 PM
I had a little time to put together some pictures of my small shop so I could share them here.

I am almost ashamed to post them after seeing so many larger and nicer ones, but this is just a hobby for me and my shop has been in the making for a little more than 9 months (almost like birthing a baby :eek: )

I have posted some outside pictures before, but threw a couple in here so as to make for a complete package. The building itself used to be an old firehouse back in the horse and buggy days over 100 years ago. When I first met the building it was barely worth tearing down, but over the last couple of years I was able to restore it to what is is today.

Being that the shop is only 12 1/2 X 17 1/2 inside, I have made sure that all tools are portable and plan on doing most of the cutting and sanding outdoors to keep the saw dust down and increase available work space on larger projects. I put a lot of time, thought and research into each tool purchase and tried to stay within LOML's agreed upon budget restrictions by keeping my tools around mid-range/grade/quality and price. I think I have put together a fairly good tool inventory for hobby needs. I am still working on the neander side of my tool inventory and hope to have completed before long. There are still many shop accessories and changes I want to make over the next 6 months that will enhance the shop itself. For one thing, the pegboard needs to go :rolleyes: and in it's place some cabinets for hand tools.

Anyhow, here are the pictures. I hope you enjoy them and thanks for looking.

btw.... if you see any changes or have some ideas for improvement, I always love to hear them. A shop is a never ending and always evolving project.

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 2:01 PM
part 2 of pictures

Richard Wolf
09-25-2005, 2:05 PM
Nice shop, in and out. No reason to be ashamed there.

I see you keep it nice and neat, but that's the key to working in a small shop, and why I need a large one.:D

Ted Shrader
09-25-2005, 2:05 PM
Bob -

Very nice. I really like the front porch. Looks like a great place to "sit a spell." Looks like you have it arranged very efficiently. Waaaaaayyy better than my sho... errr.. garage.

Thanks for the tour.


Tim Morton
09-25-2005, 2:09 PM
looks great...only problem i see is not a spec of sawdust to be found!!!:D:D:D

Bruce Volden
09-25-2005, 2:11 PM

I like your nice quaint shop, however, where is the sawdust, stained floors, scattered chaos, strewn about tools, heck I even seen the top of a workbench!!
Maybe it's just me and my attention deficit disorder after all.
Very nice~ insert envy here ~ Bruce

Mike Cutler
09-25-2005, 2:14 PM
Wow! Nice shop ya' got there. I like the theme outside of the shop.
It looks like it should do real nice, real nice indeed. One question though? where is the tablesaw, or did I miss it?
Nice shop Bob, very nice shop.

Vaughn McMillan
09-25-2005, 2:19 PM
I'm guessing you spent quite a bit of time cleaning up before the photo shoot, Bob. That's a great looking shop, and you've done well to organize a relatively small space in such a way that you can still get lots done in it. I remember seeing pics of the outside (with the Country Store style front porch), so it's nice to finally see the inside. And I love the workbench! Now go get everything messy, OK?

- Vaughn

John Lucas
09-25-2005, 2:19 PM
A nicely designed and laid out shop. You still have room to work. Thanks for sharing.

Jim Becker
09-25-2005, 2:23 PM
That works, Bob. Everything mobile and accessable. Great job!

Mike Laing
09-25-2005, 2:33 PM

You have a wonderful shop there. Makes me wish I had cleaned up my shop in the last 12 months. :o

Dan Forman
09-25-2005, 2:38 PM
Bob---That looks really comfortable and inviting. You did a great job setting it up. I still love the antique Coke machine in front.


Brian Hale
09-25-2005, 2:39 PM
I count 36 receptables! Just like clamps, you can never have too many :D

A great looking shop, both inside and out and the front looks very inviting! Nice spot to enjoy a cool beverage after a full day making big chunks of wood into smaller ones.

You should be proud!

Brian :)

Scott Donley
09-25-2005, 2:57 PM
Bob, Ya want to trade for my home in Washington? I'll even throw in a few bucks! Really nice!

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 3:24 PM
looks great...only problem i see is not a spec of sawdust to be found!!!:D:D:D


I swept the sawdust and boxed it up.... Please check with your postman as it should arrive any day now :D

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 3:26 PM
I count 36 receptables! Just like clamps, you can never have too many :D

A great looking shop, both inside and out and the front looks very inviting! Nice spot to enjoy a cool beverage after a full day making big chunks of wood into smaller ones.

You should be proud!

Brian :)


Counting the 2 outside, there are actually 44 receptacles in all. It is nice to never need an extension cord :p

A little over kill I'm sure, but my best friend is a certified electrician :rolleyes:

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 3:31 PM
Wow! Nice shop ya' got there. I like the theme outside of the shop.
It looks like it should do real nice, real nice indeed. One question though? where is the tablesaw, or did I miss it?
Nice shop Bob, very nice shop.


It is folded up on the back wall next to the drill press:eek: I don't have one of the big boys as I get by with my GCSS most of the time. I really aspire to be more neander, but need power tools for when my health won't allow the workout. It really is a good little TS though and gets me by nicely.

Brian Hale
09-25-2005, 3:32 PM
I see, i missed the 2 outside (r/h side of the door?) and 4 on the wall next to the right hand side of the bench ............... I was close ! :)

Brian :)

Bob Noles
09-25-2005, 3:35 PM
Thanks to all for the nice comments and replies.

I am thankful to have a nice little shop and yes, smaller shops do require a great deal of organization if you are to have room to work.

The nice part is that I don't have to share it, it is 100% paid for and it is ALL mine :D

Still need to think about a shop dog :p

Dale Rodabaugh
09-25-2005, 3:41 PM
Hey Bob,that shop looks just great.Very well organized.I have never seen my shop that clean.I can take a day cleaning it up,then do one little project and it is all messed up again.Think I am about ankle deep in sawdust.That porch is just great,sit out there and have an ice cold Coca Cola,and figure out the next project.man thats livin.;) :) :rolleyes: :D

Corey Hallagan
09-25-2005, 4:10 PM
Bob, I think you have one of the coolest shop here. I would have a hard time keeping my butt off of the porch and waving as folks drive buy :) You can do alot of work in a small shop. Yours is at least twice as large as mine. One thing I didn't see is your table saw. Your router table looks great. Again, I think I might have to build one of those flip top tool deal! Very cool!


Wade Samuelson
09-25-2005, 6:47 PM
Yeah, it's too crowded. Get rid of that planer, the jointer, and most of those clamps, then you'll have more space.

Do you need my address? :D

Keith Burns
09-25-2005, 7:02 PM
Very nice and well organized. Its not the size of the shop thats important, its the pleasure it brings you. Like everyone else the porch makes me want to pull up a chair and have a coke!

Dave Malen
09-25-2005, 7:32 PM
Bob, Looks well organized. I like that bench. Not a speck of dust. You must have a cleaning service. :D


Frank Pellow
09-25-2005, 8:46 PM
Bob, congratualtions on a well organized shop. It really does look like a place that I would love to spend my time.

Of course, I might never get off the porch. I might just spend all my time just sitting there, talking, drinking, reading, whatever.

In short, both the inside and outside of your "little" building are very inviting to me.

One suggestion. Keep the pegboard and but Talon hooks for it. Those hooks, make pegboard a good thing -as I show in the thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=13415

John Renzetti
09-25-2005, 8:52 PM
Hi Bob, Really great shop and very well organized.
take care,

John Bailey
09-25-2005, 8:56 PM

Great job! I love small shops and yours is one of the best with lots of character.


Dan Larson
09-25-2005, 9:28 PM
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the tour of your shop. I like it! You've put a lot of thought into it, and it shows. The place has some serious soul to it. I'm envious of your shop porch-- a perfect place to sit with a glasss of iced tea and contemplate the next project.

Jules Dominguez
09-25-2005, 10:58 PM
Nice shop, Bob. It looks like it should be in the Georgia historical register from the outside. Looks like a work of love.

I wouldn't knock pegboard - if you've got wall space for it - makes it easy to see and find the stuff you hang on it.

Jim Dannels
09-25-2005, 11:05 PM
Thanks for sharing Bob! thats a nice little shop and encouraging to see it can be done. I am in the planning stages of a small stand alone shop so I can get out of the garage.Was debating between 12 X 16 &16X20. Now I see I need a porch with a comfy Groaning Chair(so I can figure out how to cover up my mistakes).:)

Andy Hoyt
09-25-2005, 11:43 PM
Bob, You've got your wars mixed up.

You swiped the sign from the Concord, Mass site of the beginning of the War for Independence. As someone from Georgia, I'd figure you want to swipe a sign from General Sherman's home town of Lancaster, Ohio.

Seth Poorman
09-25-2005, 11:49 PM
Hey Bob

How sweeeeet it is !! Great shop !! How do you like that Ridged Jointer??

Steve Stube
09-26-2005, 12:27 AM
What, no lathe Bob, I thought for sure you've been cutting turning blanks from the large tree left of your handsom shop. What did you expect - its all been said already. I like it!

Norman Hitt
09-26-2005, 12:40 AM
Hi Bob, Verrrrrrrrry Nice. I think we may have to vote you in as the "Home Shop's Interior Decorator" of the Year. :D Now you're Really going to have to Work on your next Projects though, (if you want to Out do yourself). :D

The results you got surely reflect the thought and effort you put into it.

Mike Wenzloff
09-26-2005, 1:04 AM
Hey Bob, great space!

One of these days when I grow up I want a shop like yours. No, really. My current shop is 12 x 12...boy, does it get messy quick.:eek:

Thank you for sharing, Bob. Like others have said, that porch looks real inviting.

Take care,

PS, I like the handsaws nearly hiding behind the bench--and nice bench btw.

John Gregory
09-26-2005, 11:24 AM
Our shop is never THAT clean even after we clean it. Nice looking shop.

Neal Flatley
09-26-2005, 2:40 PM
Great shop layout, I've already gotten a few ideas from your pictures. Thanks!!:)

Tyler Howell
09-26-2005, 4:50 PM
Great Shop Bob!

Only thing missing is a nice recliner to........:rolleyes: contemplate your next project!

Tony Falotico
09-26-2005, 6:06 PM
Great shop Bob, I love the old Coca Cola machine, made me think I was back in Mayberry.

Michael Burton
09-26-2005, 6:24 PM
I love the shop. You have done a great job with a limited space and the outside is really cool. I love the old oil compnay signs and Coke machine.

[QUOTE=Bob Noles]I had a little time to put together some pictures of my small shop so I could share them here.

I am almost ashamed to post them after seeing so many larger and nicer ones, but this is just a hobby for me and my shop has been in the making for a little more than 9 months (almost like birthing a baby :eek: )

Christian Aufreiter
09-26-2005, 6:48 PM
Thanks for the pics, Bob. You do have a great shop and did an excellent job organizing it.



Peter Stahl
09-26-2005, 6:56 PM

Really a nice, neat little shop you got there. Looks like your home away from home.

Bob Noles
09-26-2005, 7:47 PM
I want to thank each of you again for all the nice comments. I'm about to get the big head from all of this and I try to be a humble person :o

Seriously, I do like my little shop and have tried to give it personality on the outside and usability on the inside. From all of your comments, I must have gotten pretty close.

As for the sawdust, I had to give the maid a raise thanks to you guys :eek:

Bruce Page
09-26-2005, 8:01 PM
Beautiful shop Bob. Inside & out, it gives off really nice vibes. It certainly looks like you’ve got things laid out and arranged very efficiently. It appears that wheels are your best friend, they are mine! Great looking bench too. It looks massive

John Miliunas
09-26-2005, 10:58 PM
Definitely a case of where quality supersedes quantity! That's a super looking shop you have there, Bob!:) You made the best use of every square inch, though as others have alluded to, way too clean! Enjoy!:)

Seth Poorman
09-26-2005, 11:00 PM
Nice shop Bob !!!

How do you like that Ridgid jointer?? Seth...

Alan Turner
09-27-2005, 5:24 AM
Very tidy. I love small shops. Never more than a step or two from what you next need. There is much to be said for that approach.

Elliott Cameron
10-10-2005, 10:09 AM
One question though? where is the tablesaw, or did I miss it? ...

It looks like you missed it .
His BTS-20 is loded up on the floor beside the Ridgid DP on the left.

Nice little shop BTW , Bob. I'm inspired to cleanup and organize mine ... maybe.

Here is a question for the ages ... Why is it that folks from previous generations seem to be MUCH , MUCH more organized than say , people born in the 60's on ? I'm just generalizing here. My Granpa's shop is organized and neat. Everything has/in its place. Mine is , well , un-organized confusion . I try to do things the way he does , but after a short while I look around and wonder just what the heck happened to my neat shop ? It was neat last week ? scatching my head. HMmmm.... I need to work on that .


Dave Brownscombe
10-10-2005, 9:21 PM
Great Shop B:cool: B !

I, too, love the front porch ...
... reminds me of the ol' country gas station ...
... you know, back when they were called "Service Stations". :)

Looks like your shop'll handle most any project and with ease ...

... Nice Bench ... no sawdust comments here, I've got enough of it already, thanx ... ;)

Mike Waddell
10-10-2005, 11:23 PM
Hi Bob -

Great looking shop. Neatly kept and well organized... I can't let LOML see that. I keep telling her that the sawdust and plane shavings are signs of a well used shop!

I especially like the front porch. The nostalgic look, inviting chairs and (oh yeah!) Coke machine remind me of summer days spent playing in front of my Great Grandfather's shop as a young boy.

That's it! You've made me miss my youth again! I'm not going to read this forum any more!

(Great shop, Bob!)


Don Dean
10-11-2005, 6:17 AM

Nice! Thanks for sharing as I am just setting up my shop and need all the ideas I can get.

Charles Bruno
10-11-2005, 12:50 PM
Nice shop Bob!
I see your your tool budgit and mine are about the same, how do you like the Ridgid jointer? I have the same one and a friend of mine whose tools were packed a way for a move had some rought cut oak we milled down for a porch swing. He said my Ridgid jointer was much more quiet than his Jet, both are the same HP and it did just as well as the 200 dollar more Jet. We buy what we can fit into are budgit, nothing to be ashamed of.
When I took a one day class with Sam Maloof he told the class not to go broke feeding your hobbie. He also said the price of the tool does not make the craftsman.

Bob Noles
10-11-2005, 7:43 PM
It looks like y'all have revived this thread again and I appreciate all the kind words and compliments once again.

To answer your question/comment Charles..... I make no apology for the color and/or quality of any of the tools found in my shop :) :) :) Maloof is absolutely correct! Only problem is that I am not a craftsman yet :D

I really had no strict budget per se, but only tried to use common sense and always keep in mind that my WW interest was for hobby only. If my livelyhood depended on it, I'm sure there would be a much different pictorial than the one I posted :eek: I asked a lot of questions and did a lot of research prior to each and every purchase and tried to choose based on "need" rather than "want". I feel in my heart that I can do about anything on a small scale that a WWer could be asked to do with the tools I selected. I am very happy with each of them.

Oh... it never hurts to save a buck when you can even if you don't need to :p Now I just need to tweak and learn how to safely and properly use each tool to it's full potential. In other words..... I need to stop collecting tools and make something soon :o

Thanks again everyone.... you are too kind.

Michael Gibbons
05-02-2006, 10:13 AM
Where's the UNISAW?

Don Bergren
05-02-2006, 10:45 AM
Really nice shop Bob! You've done a great job with both the exterior and interior, and it's obvious that a great deal of thought went into this project. You've actually made the space you have seem like a much larger space. I love well thought out designs for small spaces, and this one is well thought out. Enjoy!

Jerry Olexa
05-03-2006, 4:12 PM
Very nice Bob but way too clean. Looks good

Jim O'Dell
05-03-2006, 4:33 PM
I agree with the comments on the well organized shop! Looks very nice. It's not always about the size. Jim.

Ted Jay
05-03-2006, 7:05 PM
Where is the wood storage space? Looks like you could put it up in the rafters though.
Very nice shop, no shame there!!!
