View Full Version : Dewalt 925 RAS

Sam Beagle
07-17-2016, 4:43 PM
So I have a nice saw in mind. I wanted to see if you guys could look at it and see what I don't, I'm not educated in RAS's. I've never had one, but always have wanted. This dewalt seems very clean, the working parts are free and easy to move.
I wanna do a resto on it and use it for long cross cuts and dado work.
Thanks sam

Earl McLain
07-17-2016, 6:46 PM
I bought a 1958 Dewalt GWI last spring, replaced the motor bearings, a little clean-up and built a new top using Walter Kunkel (Mr. Sawdust) design. Used his set-up methods as well, and 12" cross-cut is within half a thousandth. Kunkel's book, How to Master the Radial Arm Saw, is a definitive Dewalt RAS book. Assume you'll need motor bearings, other than that, check the ways to see if the feel is the same all the way out the arm. RAS used in production may exhibit worn ways in the first 6" to 12" from repetitive cuts. Even wear out the arm is okay, but uneven wear is harder to overcome.

There are some great deals to be had on these tools, and they are nothing like the department store saws of the 1980's on. I've become a convert!!


Eric Sarno
07-17-2016, 11:41 PM
Hi Sam, I did a restore on one of these, though I haven't taken the time to completely set it up properly yet. It was not a very difficult restoration. Honestly the worst part was the cabinet just due to the amount of surface area that needed to be painted. It is a rock solid saw.

The bearings are common and still readily available. I have a negative rake blade I think it's called, as being a radial arm saw it definitely wants to come forward.

http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd405/EricIndecisive/Tools/Dewalt%20925H/PC080649_zps5bsh6cli.jpg (http://s1218.photobucket.com/user/EricIndecisive/media/Tools/Dewalt%20925H/PC080649_zps5bsh6cli.jpg.html)

http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd405/EricIndecisive/Tools/Dewalt%20925H/P8040022_zpsu0sgqmxh.jpg (http://s1218.photobucket.com/user/EricIndecisive/media/Tools/Dewalt%20925H/P8040022_zpsu0sgqmxh.jpg.html)

Earl McLain
07-18-2016, 6:15 AM
Nice saw Eric--great looking.

Sam--Eric is right on the bearings, once you have the old ones in hand, a call to Accurate Bearing (ask for Lynne, she works with the old saw orders--just make sure you have bearings in hand and a mic handy, she's thorough!!) will get new ones to you for not much money. Or, for a few dollars more, you could most likely get them local. A friend of mine (retired machinist) really did my bearing work while I "went to school" assisting. There are some very good online sources for disassembly, and enthusiasts who have almost any part you may need, but that saw looks complete. Good luck!!