View Full Version : The Butler's Desk Build - Workspace

Brian Holcombe
07-14-2016, 7:14 AM
Good morning! I've prepared this week's update on the cabinet desk that I'm building. I've finished up the desk area and accompanying sliding tray.


Please click the above link for the full article. :D




James Pallas
07-14-2016, 7:37 AM
Looking good Brian. Good idea on the drawer slide table. I like that a lot better than just a pull out shelf type that are the norm.

Brian Holcombe
07-14-2016, 8:38 AM
Thanks Jim! Glad you appreciate that, I had a feeling it would be handy.

John Kananis
07-14-2016, 12:29 PM
Looking good Brian. Good idea on the drawer slide table. I like that a lot better than just a pull out shelf type that are the norm.

Agreed, looking great!

Brian Holcombe
07-14-2016, 2:30 PM
Thanks John!

Christopher Charles
07-14-2016, 5:53 PM
I'll also say that it is looking great. Especially like the matching grain across the entire front.

In addition, I really like the design and have been generating something very similar in my head to use as sideboard/work space. Of course, you work much faster than I! Did you make the dimensions such that the piece can be used as a standing desk when closed?

Brian Holcombe
07-14-2016, 6:49 PM
Thanks Christopher! That matching grain was a tough one, but luckily it worked out, I cut a 5/8" section out between the drawers and door to make certain it would line up with the bottom drawer all the way along.

Glad to hear that you like the design, I'm pretty happy with how it has worked out. I asked my wife if she would like me to make two of these when I started and replace a console table I made some years ago that is quick work, she declined and now we both regret that I did not make two of them and keep one. She felt similarly after I completed last years cabinet as well, so there is hope that the next proposition will work out.

I didn't make it that way intentionally and it's actually a bit tall for a standing desk, being 40" tall overall but not terribly so.