View Full Version : Vacuuming robot with "here I am" feature ?

Stephen Tashiro
07-13-2016, 1:41 PM
Are there vacuuming robots that let you press a remote control and have them beep to indicate where they have hidden?

I have some older model Roomba robots. I prefer to set them to work and go elsewhere. The biggest nuisance of that scheme is that they often stop when they are hidden under furniture and it sometimes takes a long time to find them.

Charlie Velasquez
07-13-2016, 2:25 PM

battery operated
This or similar.Amazon has some cheaper.
A little epoxy or hot glue....

Stephen Tashiro
07-13-2016, 2:55 PM

Interesting idea !

But with the door chime glued on top of it, the robot wouldn't vacuum under most of the furniture. Maybe http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0U008P1647&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Home+Electronics+Accessories-_-9SIA0U008P1647&gclid=Cj0KEQjwzZe8BRDguN3cmOr4_dgBEiQAijjVFjX3L0Cz dHPYLCP3-JRZHRvrUYUhhBVaU8GjgtfUc5YaAvH08P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds