View Full Version : Did my Cardio for the morning..

steven c newman
07-13-2016, 10:53 AM
Had some pine blanks that I had earlier resawn down from a 4x4. Task was to turn them into S4S 3/4" x 3-1/2" boards. I get these four blanks done, then resaw the other two 4x4 pieces of leftovers.
Ain't he cute? Anyway, I already had planed the saw marks and dippity-dos on the other face, before this shot.
Takes awhile, to take all the high spots down to the level of the low ones. When I can get a shaving like this the full length, I am done.
Something like this. The neds were a bit...special..
A little "knotty"? Ok, back to the other side..
Taking down the high points. Candle was rubbed on the sole of the planes. Planes?
Yes, planes. I gave each a fair share of the work, wouldn't want them to get jealous of the others...
Board is now S4S. On one of the nastier boards, I used a Stanley #5 that had a camber to the iron. Couple of spots around the knots were taken care of with a Millers Falls/Craftsman #3
Well, with Igor on strike...I guess I get to bag all of this up, and haul off to the firepit...when the Old Ticker settles down a bit. I did get a start on the 1/2" blank......Brunch sounded better:D

Pat Barry
07-13-2016, 12:04 PM
Nice workout of course, but boy, you are frugal!

Thomas Schneider
07-13-2016, 4:04 PM
^^^What he said!^^^ :-)

steven c newman
07-13-2016, 5:08 PM
Better to reuse all the scraps in the shop, then throw them onto the firepit. IF I lay these resawn blanks out just right, I can book match them into a small table top...

Pat Barry
07-13-2016, 6:29 PM
Cool steven. That sounds very interesting!

steven c newman
07-13-2016, 7:16 PM
Been done before with the scraps I have....

Rich Riddle
07-13-2016, 10:29 PM
I work with scraps from the shop but prefer to invest the time in hardwood as opposed to Pine. My dad did some fabulous work with Pine in the past but I lack the skill/effort/desire. Glad you had your workout.

Steven, that is a nice looking table.

Stew Denton
07-13-2016, 10:59 PM

Good job and good use of the materials. Like you, I hate to see anything go to waste. The table looks very nicely done.


steven c newman
07-13-2016, 11:01 PM
Oh, when I have any hardwood scraps big enough to make something out of them...
such as some curly maple leftovers...
That big brown spot is a bit knot..
Back edge features a live edge. Just scraps....

John Kananis
07-14-2016, 12:00 PM
Good workout. Question: How did you attach the rear of that lid (the piece the hinges connect to) to the box on that last piece you posted?

steven c newman
07-14-2016, 12:12 PM
Just a few screws, sitting under Walnut plugs.
Prototype lid, wasn't happy with it, went with the live edge piece instead, but used the same system to join it to the case. The "problem"? Joint angles weren't coming out just right...

John Kananis
07-14-2016, 12:28 PM
I see, thank you.