View Full Version : odd little project...

Monte Milanuk
09-24-2005, 2:59 PM
well, this one isn't probably what most would consider 'fine' woodworking, though I'm sure someone w/ enough skill could make it so!

What I want to do is add some wood shelving to a locker at work. I work at a power plant (hydro-electric dam, to be specific) on rotating 12-hour shifts, so at times it feels like I 'live' there :rolleyes: Some people have done some basic stuff adding little plywood shelves, w/ little 1x2 legs on the sides, stacked on one another to give some shelving, but I'd like something a *little* nicer (and less rickety!) to put in mine. Talkin' standard sheet-metal locker room locker here, about 6' high and about 1' wide.

Anybody out there by chance seen/done anything like this? Frankly, I'm trolling for ideas/suggestions here. I've got a few ideas percolating around the old head, but I wouldn't mind 'borrowing' a few cool tips/tricks from folks, if you know what I mean :D



Scott Donley
09-24-2005, 4:21 PM
After 27 years with the same locker I never did much more than you described. I did add a 1 ½ in.deep drawer on the bottom of one of the shelves. It came in handy for the small stuff and a place to set my glasses on when changing out of my cold suit and vest