View Full Version : new stuff

Michelle Rich
07-09-2016, 6:20 AM
It has been ages since I posted anything. I have been remodeling my abode, and have been making new furniture and new artwork , and having a ball doing it. I made the walnut floating top table about a year ago, and the little curly walnut and spalted birch bowl about a month ago, but my newest love is the copper art. I am thrilling myself with taking copper sheets and patinas, and trying to get my visions , and their colors into wall art and other stuff. I am now considering trying to find ways to get this wonderful stuff into the old, same old, round and brown turned stuff. of course I can inlay it in a groove on the outside of a bowl but do you ladies and gents have any other wonderful ideas on how to incorporate this in turning projects? My brain needs a kick start, and I know the talented folks here, might just give me some great ideas. Hope ya'll are having a great summer.

Toby Bouder
07-09-2016, 9:06 AM
Try this:
Sam Angelo, metal reactive paint.

Doug Herzberg
07-10-2016, 8:45 AM
Michelle, it's good to see you posting again. Love the table. I don't have any specific suggestions, but I'll bet there are lots of things you can do using metals as enhancements and decorations. Perhaps hammered leaves attached to a turned spindle or rolled or bent spirals or concentric circles decorating one of your signature turned works or art like the one in the photo. The talent is there; just experiment until it clicks. And keep on posting.

Jamie Buxton
07-10-2016, 9:36 AM
You can spin metal. On a lathe, you form sheet metal over a form to make bowl-shaped objects. You can do it to copper, and then patinate it.
You could use the spun bowl directly as a bowl, or you could use it as some part of a wooden object.

Tom Borener
07-10-2016, 12:36 PM
I have been working with brass, and one of the things I have done is to cut up the strips (about 1" x 30") into wedge shaped segments and lay them around the rim of a squat hollow form. I am still playing with this idea, and would love to have bigger pieces to work with. Like the patinas you are getting there

Hayes Rutherford
07-10-2016, 1:39 PM
Michelle, you are usually quite the innovator and when you least expect it, the ideas will come. I have thought using copper over a wood form and riveting the small pieces together would be fun to try.

Greg McClurg
07-10-2016, 6:54 PM
Stunning work as usual. So glad to see you posting again...you've always been an inspiration. Wish I could give you suggestions, but I got nothin'!

Len Mullin
07-10-2016, 10:38 PM
Michelle, you should check out the new videos that Martin Sabin Smith has released on you-tube, they may interest you. He does a lot of copper and patina work in them, I find them interesting.

Michelle Rich
07-11-2016, 12:54 PM
Doug, Hayes, & Greg. special .thanks ..appreciate your comments.