View Full Version : Nova 1624 EVS Upgrade

Tom Brouillette
06-15-2016, 3:49 PM
I've had my Nova 1624 for about 18 months, and love it. The main drawback is the obvious one - no EVS. Changing belts isn't a show-stopper for me, but it does get old. So I've been thinking about getting their upgraded motor with EVS (http://www.novatoolsusa.com/NEW-DVR-1624-Package-Drive-Upgrade-Motor-53101.htm ) for $600. Has anyone done this and if so, how do you like it?

Allan Ferguson
06-16-2016, 9:36 AM
Yes, check private message for phone number.

Dok Yager
06-16-2016, 9:50 AM
Tom perhaps this will help. Complete upgrade path as posted here in 2010:
