View Full Version : Finishing Black Walnut

Philip Edwards
09-22-2005, 2:37 PM
Hi All
I'm just about to finish a carved chair made from black walnut. Finish will be a few coats of BLO, maybe last coat 50/50 with poly to harden it off quicker.
I am considering "ageing" the walnut with a mixture of soda crystals in water. This is like a mild solution of Lye and gives a darker, aged patina before oiling. Only problem is, on the test pieces I've tried it makes the sap wood look even more different to the heart wood.
Any suggestions? Forget the soda crystals altogether??
This is my first time using black walnut so don't know how it will age-will the difference between the sap/heart wood get better or worse over time??
Thanks in advance
Phil :)

Carl Eyman
09-22-2005, 3:07 PM
Jeff has an article in the last issue of FWW about finishing walnut. He specifically addresses the sapwood problem. If you don't have access to it, let me know and I'll se if I can help. I am in the midst of a walnut project and intend to follow his advice.

Jim Becker
09-22-2005, 3:10 PM
Walnut ages lighter... ;) This is unlike cherry, maple, pine, etc., which get darker with oxidation and UV exposure. My walut pieces that started out very dark are now a wonderful dark honey brown...in less than a year. (Example below...)

Many folks find that a coat of shellac enhances the color of walnut, especially if it's been steamed and kiln dried which causes it to lose a lot of its natural colorations. The table shown is finished with just orange shellac and a coat of paste wax.

Philip Edwards
09-23-2005, 3:21 AM
Thanks for the replies, Guys!

So it lightens as it ages-guess I'll just leave well alone. The chair is a Sam Maloof style low back and he is not afraid of sapwood so I guess its in keeping with the character of the piece.
Best regards

Mike Wenzloff
09-23-2005, 3:47 AM
Hi Philly,

Jewett will also respond to most emails. His website (good place for finishing supplies) is

The link to his email address is there somewhere. I have it as well if it's hard to find.


Tim Sproul
09-23-2005, 4:20 AM
I've tried it makes the sap wood look even more different to the heart wood.

My suggestion would be to use only heartwood if all you want is heartwood. Of course, I can simply say this since I have no idea what the supply of walnut in your neck of the woods is like :rolleyes: :D .

IMO, it takes quite the finisher to make something look like what it is not. Hence my recommendation to use what you want the project to turn out.

Jim Becker
09-23-2005, 9:58 AM
Tim brings up a good point that, umm...points back...to something I often say: The finishing process starts with material selection for the project. ;) That includes species, grain/figure and color.

Philip Edwards
09-26-2005, 3:26 AM
Sadly, Black Walnut is in short supply in my area (Country?!) Most of whats available has a fair percentage of sap and knots.
I've applied the first coat of BLO over the weekend and it is going to turn out good, I think. I'll post some finished pics later in the week.
Many thanks for your help

Alan Turner
09-26-2005, 5:28 AM
One way to permanently kill the sapwood is to make your first coat an oil varnish mixture, and to add smoe japan color to this mix when you get to the sapwood. Basically, you are coloring out the sapwood. Burnt umber would be a good starting point. I have done this with both walnut and with cherry adn noone knows that there is sapwood in the piece.

Philip Edwards
10-18-2005, 10:03 AM
Hi All
Well it seems to have taken forever but I have finally completed my Sam Maloof style sculpted chair. It is made from American Black Walnut with ebony plugs. Finish is BLO and Shellac. I made a couple of mock-ups to get the joinery sussed and to work on the shaping-unfortunately I couldn't get hold of any plans and had only half a dozen pictures (from unhelpful angles http://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/forums/images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif ) to work from. I think it came out pretty close, though.
Oh, and there was a LOT of sanding involved. Forgot how much I hate sanding..... http://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/forums/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif
There is a gallery of pictures of the completed chair here...
http://www.philsville.co.uk/chair_gallery.htm (http://www.philsville.co.uk/chair_gallery.htm)

and the whole darn story, here......
http://www.philsville.co.uk/maloofchair1.htm (http://www.philsville.co.uk/maloofchair1.htm)

Hope you like it,

Bob Winkler
10-18-2005, 12:41 PM
Beautiful job on the chair and finishing. I also really enjoyed your website. Looks like you have a lot of fun!;)


Ken Fitzgerald
10-18-2005, 1:51 PM
Philip....beautiful chair and finish!

Philip Edwards
10-19-2005, 4:19 AM
Thanks Guys, glad you like it. And yes, I do like to have fun!;)