View Full Version : Play in Shop Fox 20 in planer table

Mike Hoyt
05-31-2016, 3:28 PM
Hey everyone I recently picked up a used shop fox 1754 and this is my first big planer and I didn't notice when I picked up but now that Ive got it back home I noticed a small amount of vertical play in the table on both infeed and outfeed sides. Its hard to measure and feels the same on both sides. with the table locks engaged there is no movement at all. Does this sound about right for the bigger 4 post planers?


daryl moses
05-31-2016, 3:50 PM
Dumb question but did you check the bolts to see if they were tight?

Justin Koenen
05-31-2016, 6:26 PM
Mike, I taught high school industrial tech. In the sixties our district purchased a government surplus 20" planer with just that problem. There was a loose set screw for a key in a gear for the elevating mechanism. Over the years my experience as a machine shop teacher led me to look for similar causes........... Good Luck Justin

Mike Hoyt
05-31-2016, 10:08 PM
Thanks Justin for the advice. Just so I understand what your talking about let me go over what I think you mean. There is obviously a gear in the crank handle mechanism that meshes with the screw in that post which in turn drives the other three screws via the chain below. Do you think the movement is due to excessive play in that gear? Is there a way to adjust the backlash on that gear set?

Justin Koenen
05-31-2016, 11:44 PM
Mike, In answer to your question....as I recall this gear had a hub with a set screw in it which tightened to a key in the shaft from the crank. In your case you might need to shim the end of the shaft to press the gear and its mating gear tighter together .....kind of depends how the gear is connected to the shaft. Hope that is clear enough. Good Luck Old geezer needs to hit the hay! Justin

Justin Koenen
06-01-2016, 9:58 AM
Good morning Mike. I just googled "Parts manual for Shop Fox 20" planer". Then opened the first entry which had Grizzly......manuals....there was a manual with an assembly drawing .....see if that helps........... Justin

glenn bradley
06-01-2016, 10:03 AM
I have no help to offer but, wanted to say Kudos to Justin for the follow up. It's going that extra mile that makes a thread post elevate from comment to assistance.