View Full Version : Gizmo has Arrived

Dok Yager
05-25-2016, 7:18 PM
Just got a big box in the mail today. Gizmo is here! :D I pondered long and hard on this decision and it`s finally here. I looked at several hollowing systems and in the end I believe this one is one of the finest in Quality and construction. Can`t wait until tomorrow to cut into my first hollow form (non-freehand). Ouch. I asked a couple of folks here and others as well before making this decision. The rabbit hole gets yet Deeper.


Roger Chandler
05-25-2016, 7:51 PM
Pretty good gloat there Dok......now go have some fun!

daryl moses
05-25-2016, 8:13 PM
Looks good!! Color me jealous.

David Delo
05-25-2016, 8:57 PM
Good luck tomorrow Dok. Looks like a quality addition to your arsenal. One other "thing-e" you can add to make your wallet thinner and hollowing a better experience is a light source.

Dok Yager
05-25-2016, 10:18 PM
Wasn`t trying to gloat guy`s. Just happy to finally get a quality hollowing system that won`t wrench my arm and shoulder. And I can continue my steep learning curve. I hope.

Mark Greenbaum
05-25-2016, 10:59 PM
Dok : I took a deep hollowing class at JC Campbell Folkschool a few years ago, and the instructor had a Gizmo setup like you just got. It was much sturdier than the Elbo systems we used to learn on, so I think you've made a great choice. Good luck, and be safe.

Thom Sturgill
05-26-2016, 8:11 AM
I've drooled over those at several symposiums. I do not do enough hollowing to justify the price, but they are without a doubt finely engineered tools. Enjoy!

Roger Chandler
05-26-2016, 8:26 AM
Wasn`t trying to gloat guy`s. Just happy to finally get a quality hollowing system that won`t wrench my arm and shoulder. And I can continue my steep learning curve. I hope.

There are two perfectly acceptable gloats here on SMC, Dok.......tool gloats and wood gloats! They are part of what makes SMC fun! ;)

Wade Holloway
05-26-2016, 9:30 AM
Which system did you get? I have been shopping and reading about them and I don't reconized this one. Looks good though. Congratulations. I look forward to hearing how it preforms. Good luck to you. :)

Dok Yager
05-26-2016, 6:11 PM
338168338169338170Wade the tool is the Jt turning tools Gizmo. here is a link: http://www.jtturningtools.com/gizmo

Well so far color me Impressed. I partially roughed out a piece of figured walnut and roughed and hollowed out a piece of nice maple in about three hours total so far. I have a little more work on the Maple vase, and a Lot more on the walnut. I wanted to see how it performed on different woods with two different tools. Wow if I had known one of these made hollowing So much easier than by hand, I would have stepped up much sooner! It`s smooth as glass to use and once you get it set up it comes on and off quickly and easily. So now the rabbit hole gets even deeper as I see several new Larger hollowing tools in my near future. More tools I`m sure as I get more time with it over the long weekend. I started both of the hollowing holes with a 1" forstner bit. Then put in my Harrison simple shear cutting tool and went to work.WOW.

Scott Hackler
05-26-2016, 7:23 PM
:D, told you!

Jay Mullins
05-26-2016, 11:11 PM
It looks go on your G0766.

Dok Yager
05-27-2016, 5:24 PM
WOW! Just Wow! After just my first two days with this I am truly amazed at how Easily this makes turning hollow forms. Man I can see my back log of a ton of mesquite, acacia,olive and pear dwindling Fast.:D In only 4 /12 yrs of turning or Trying to turn, other than my new lathe and a couple of near perfect bowls I can truly say this is The most enjoyable experience I have had! Yes Scott you were correct. :D I see lots of new deeper reach and longer hollowing tools in my near future. I feel like Alice as I have fallen Deep into the rabbit hole and there is No return.;) After a month or so with this I will write a complete review of this product, if thats Ok?

Brian Kent
05-27-2016, 6:38 PM
Congratulations, Dok.

What bar are you using? Is this the transformer hollowing tool with the adjustable tip?


Dok Yager
05-27-2016, 11:27 PM
No Brian I didn`t buy the transformer as I thought it was a little too large for the type and style of openings I want to do. So far I have used my Harrison swan neck carbide and my Crown revolution tools. I like them both. However I need a couple of deeper and with more bend in the end tools as well as a nice scraper that`s got a much deeper bend. The walnut piece I posted is now hollowed out as far as I can go with what I have on hand.

David C. Roseman
05-28-2016, 9:34 AM
No Brian I didn`t buy the transformer as I thought it was a little too large for the type and style of openings I want to do. So far I have used my Harrison swan neck carbide and my Crown revolution tools. I like them both. However I need a couple of deeper and with more bend in the end tools as well as a nice scraper that`s got a much deeper bend. The walnut piece I posted is now hollowed out as far as I can go with what I have on hand.

Congratulations, Dok. Let us know what tooling you end up with for it. Tom Steyer at JT Turning Tools does very nice work, and the Gizmo looks like another high-quality product.

Steve Mawson
05-28-2016, 11:52 PM
Tom makes some great tools. I use Tom's 1" bar on some fairly deep hollow forms, around 12". I also have another brand 1/2" bar and they both work great. With the Gizmo it is so much faster to hollow out a piece. Plus you can visit with Tom by phone and get all your questions answered with pointers on how to use the tool. Also machining on JT tools is some of the best I have seen. You are right about the rabbit hole or vortex, whatever you want to call it, there is no escape so enjoy the trip.

Mark Greenbaum
05-29-2016, 12:37 PM
Dok: What does that Gizmo cost? I have not heard back from JTtooling, and I have same lathe as you. Thanks.