View Full Version : Carvey CNC from inventables

Nicolas Silva
05-23-2016, 9:28 AM
this one is worth a look: https://www.inventables.com/technologies/carvey

William Adams
05-23-2016, 9:12 PM
Quite similar to the Carbide 3D Nomad 883, which was announced first and is already on its second version, the Nomad 883 Pro. To offset the price difference, the Nomad includes a license for MeshCAM, which is developed by one of the Carbide 3D partners.

Art Mann
05-23-2016, 10:33 PM
Potential buyers should be aware that the "Easel" software is not professional grade and will be very limiting. Any experience gained with this software will not be very useful when upgrading to a different machine and professional level software.

Cosmos Krejci
05-23-2016, 11:08 PM
the "cutting aluminum" update is interesting. It's interesting that the right side of the deign comes out before the left, indicating the table isn't flat. Then it take a dozen or so passes to cut down .015" or so which means that bit isn't going to be around long.

William Adams
05-24-2016, 7:14 AM
Both the Carvey and the Nomad, and most of the other new hobby-level CNC machines such as the Shapeoko use Grbl running on an Arduino for their micro-controller interpreting G-code. Any CAM tool which has a suitable post-processor will be compatible, so no need to be concerned about being limited to the bundled software.

There’s a neat bit on the Carbide 3D forums where someone cut out a small pocket multi-tool of titanium on a Nomad.


Also note that the new Pro uses 25% thicker rails, and has switched to lead screw drives. It also may be possible to replace the spindle motor w/ one almost half again as powerful.

Lastly, the Nomad is assembled here in the U.S., while the Carvey is outsourced. Both were launched on Kickstarter, so one can examine the relevant campaigns for how the machines are represented by their designers.