View Full Version : Worksharp 3000. Best place for bulk paper?

Sam Beagle
05-22-2016, 4:31 PM
I literally have 100-200 old chisels to sharpen. You go through the paper alot quicker than I thought. Where are you guys buying paper for cheaper. There's no way I'm buying the paper through worksharp. I have already tried sticky back paper. That does work as well, but I wanna ask here first. Sam

Jake Elkins
05-22-2016, 4:59 PM
I bought bulk discs from Klingspor. Think boxes of 100 each in the 600, 1200, 2000 flavors. They work well, cost was good, but they still require trimming of the discs prior to use. While it would be easier to buy paper directly from WS, the cost is prohibitive.

Paul Snowden
05-22-2016, 5:01 PM
What I ended up doing was buying 6" diamond discs off ebay

Don Jarvie
05-22-2016, 5:04 PM
+1 on Klingspor

Mike Henderson
05-22-2016, 5:19 PM
Get the diamond disks. Much cheaper in the long run. Here's (http://www.amazon.com/Quality-Electroplated-Diamond-coated-wheel/dp/B00BB13XD8?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00)an example on Amazon.

This has been discussed many times on this forum. Do a search and see what people have to say.


Sam Beagle
05-22-2016, 7:02 PM
Excellent. I found the solution thanks to these answers. Thank you. Sam