View Full Version : Penofin

Tim Bridge
05-21-2016, 1:04 PM
I was going to leave these Adirondack Spanish Cedar chairs natural, but my wife wants to put a finish on them to keep them from turning grey.

A friend of mine recommended Penofin finish.
What are your thoughts, and which version of Penofin if this is a good way to go?

Why is it impossible to add photos from an iPad? :mad:

Mel Fulks
05-21-2016, 1:49 PM
I like PENOFIN on my deck, but the traditional way to keep addirondack chairs from turning grey ....is to PAINT them a nice bright color.

Andrew Hughes
05-21-2016, 2:01 PM
All woods turn gray in the sun.Your only defense will be the Penofin. It will be a on going battle I think the sun will win.:)

Raymond Fries
05-21-2016, 4:31 PM
I was going to leave these Adirondack Spanish Cedar chairs natural, but my wife wants to put a finish on them to keep them from turning grey.

A friend of mine recommended Penofin finish.
What are your thoughts, and which version of Penofin if this is a good way to go?

Why is it impossible to add photos from an iPad? :mad:

You can add photos feom the ipad. Choose photo library when you want to upload.

Good Luck.

Tim Bridge
05-21-2016, 5:00 PM
You can add photos feom the ipad. Choose photo library when you want to upload.

Good Luck.

Fails every time. I've tried several times with different photos.

Cody Colston
05-21-2016, 6:42 PM
I have no experience with Penofin so I can't comment on it's effectiveness. I did look at their product line, though, and with one exception, their products contain some really nasty chemicals...primarily naptha and xylene. The oil used is tung oil...3.7% by volume according to the MSDS.

In the past, I've always used Epifanes Marine Varnish on my ERC outdoor furniture. It does require periodic maintenance, though, because the sun eventually will degrade any clear film finish. About every 2-3 years I have to scuff sand and re-apply a couple of coats. A coat of epoxy before applying the varnish will seal out moisture and help retain the wood's natural color as well as extend the varnish life, but that's another expensive, time consuming chore.

A product that I have begun using is Onetime Finish in the red cedar color. It's semi-transparent but seems to hold up very well. It also comes in other colors, including "natural". I would call it a stain but the exact properties are proprietary. It's also pricey.

A long-lasting, clear finish that will preserve the wood's natural color is the holy grail of outdoor finishes.

Nicholas Lawrence
05-21-2016, 6:51 PM
I have the same trouble. The iPad photos are too large to be uploaded. If you figure out an easy work around, let me know.

J.R. Rutter
05-21-2016, 7:10 PM
Penofin is one of the best outdoor penetrating oil finishes. We used the red label on our cedar sided house and it just needs reapplied every 5-6 years.

Bill McNiel
05-21-2016, 7:44 PM
Penofin is one of the best outdoor penetrating oil finishes. We used the red label on our cedar sided house and it just needs reapplied every 5-6 years.

I would love to here what your application process is with Penofin. I used it on my clear cedar rails and deck and within one month it turned black and looks like c$&*. I have seen multiple posts from others who have had the same result.

Please educate me, mahalo - Bill

Phil Mueller
05-23-2016, 10:59 PM
Go to the photo in your photo library and resize it (crop it a bit smaller and save it). Then when you go to upload the photo choose:
Computer -> Choose File -> Photo Library -> Moments and select your photo, then upload.

Works every time for me.