View Full Version : Interesting Do-All Tool

John McClanahan
05-08-2016, 10:45 AM
I stumbled upon a link to this Youtube video and thought I would share it. This thing tries to do it all, from a pin router to a chainsaw mill.


Larry Browning
05-08-2016, 10:54 AM
That is way cool! Where can I get one? Is it only available in Australia? What is the price on the bad boy?

Michael Weber
05-08-2016, 11:11 AM
Wow, me too Larry. Being so near maybe we could save on shipping. :rolleyes: I do wonder though about set up time between tools.

Raymond Seward
05-08-2016, 12:11 PM
Yeah....the swapping out of tools would be a no go for me....looks neat though

Joe Spear
05-08-2016, 12:19 PM
I found a thread on Sawmill Creek from 2010 discussing this tool. I also found a reference from 2010 about SRS Tool in Lubbock, TX, being a distributor. But when I checked their website, there is no mention of it. Maybe somebody who is interested can contact them and ask about it. By the way, the price goes from $4000 up, depending on the attachments you add.

Randy Viellenave
05-08-2016, 3:13 PM
Found a link to it, and it isn't cheap, but it is way cool!

Larry Browning
05-08-2016, 3:44 PM
Found a link to it, and it isn't cheap, but it is way cool!
I went to that site and their price ranges for 4,115-5,100. If that is actually Austrian dollars then given the current exchange rate of .74 that is 3,045-3,774 US dollars. Still pretty steep. But way cool anyway. The tool swapping would not bother me too much. I think the way it works is you mount your tool in the special adapter and it is then a simple snapping off one tool and snapping on the next one. Probably take about 1 or 2 minutes.

Ben Rivel
05-09-2016, 10:57 AM
Interesting idea, I wonder how stable it is in person though. They can make anything look good on video. Would still rather have dedicated tools but if youre crammed for space I could see this being attractive to some.

paul cottingham
05-09-2016, 12:32 PM
It would be great if I every wanted to go back to using routers or sanders, cause I could isolate the tools vibration. I think it is also an interesting way to be able to do rips and things similar without a table saw, or any of the inherent risks in that operation, and keeping the accuracy. You could do that with a track saw, of cours, but this way, you get a pile of extra versatility, and that massive table for other operations.


Peter Kelly
05-09-2016, 2:24 PM
Looks like an awesome tool for leveling and straight-lining slabs in one go. Seems like you could have multiple gantries with different tools so you wouldn't need to change anything out.

Very cool.