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View Full Version : Settings for Rotary attachment for Hurricane Lasers (HUGO)

david forte
05-07-2016, 12:19 PM
Hi all, I just got my used laser engraver setup.It works great, but I am no idea how to use the rotary attachment. I got it to engrave, but it is blurry, squished, and the engraving is backwards/mirrored. Does anyone have instructions on how to use it and what settings need to be set in lasercut?

I have it set to 50power, 200 speed, and .05dpi (per the chart). But I am sure the settings i lasercut have to be changed....just have no clue what to?

Bert Kemp
05-07-2016, 12:45 PM
I would first unmirror the image , the lower power to about 20% and increase speed too 300 its all experiment all machines are different. I would practice on some cheap or free bottles to get your settings.

david forte
05-07-2016, 3:21 PM
I would first unmirror the image , the lower power to about 20% and increase speed too 300 its all experiment all machines are different. I would practice on some cheap or free bottles to get your settings.
i unmirrored it, but i still cant figure out the right setting to input into the worktable. From as best I can tell, I need to change the pulse value for Y.
I have a friction rotary style. stepping motor 57BYG059

my wine bottle that I have been testing on is 90mm diameter.

Kev Williams
05-07-2016, 3:49 PM
Not sure of your laser's power, but looks very over-cooked to me-

I would lower your power to 15% and raise the speed to 350-

Next, your line spacing aka Y-axis lines per inch aka DPI, aka "gap" looks WAAAYY wide, like .25mm or so. 300 lines per inch usually works well on glass, which equates to .08mm gap.

FWIW, when I first got my Triumph, I started engraving Rowmark using the same 'basic' settings as my western machines, like 70 power and full speed. Rastering words resulted in a big hole burned thru- Took me a long time to figure out that I had to go way down to 15% power @ 500mm/sec to roughly equal the results of 80% power/80% speed on my LS900...

david forte
05-07-2016, 4:12 PM
still no luck.
also, I have a feeling there could be something wrong with the rotary itself. A few times it would just get stuck in place and keep engraving in the same stop. And when I run a test....it dont sound good.
Is there any way to check to see if the rotary is functioning properly?
The guy I got this laser from, got the rotary with it, but never used it, so it has just been sitting for 4 yrs in a box.

Bert Kemp
05-07-2016, 4:48 PM
You said the rotary is friction canyou see if its still spinning and the bottle just sits there not Turing like it doesn't have enough grip. Clean the rollers and see if that helps.
You lowered your power and increased speed and no difference????

david forte
05-07-2016, 5:06 PM
You said the rotary is friction canyou see if its still spinning and the bottle just sits there not Turing like it doesn't have enough grip. Clean the rollers and see if that helps.
You lowered your power and increased speed and no difference????

it has a good grip on the bottle....but sometimes the rotary seems to get stuck and keeps trying to move, but doesnt.

the lowered power and increased speed it good, but it is still blurry. I am setting the depth the same as I do when I laser flat stuff. I have messed around with different values for the setting for pulse value of y. this will either stretch it or squish it.

david forte
05-07-2016, 9:14 PM
I am really beginning to think the stepping motor is bad....
If i try to roll the wheels with the keypad....it doesnt roll (90% of the time) and the gear are noisy/clanky.When I remove power, I can easily rotate everything very smoothly. I have never had one before, but I assume this isnt normal. What should I do? Is this normal? Can I service the motor somehow? ...it has been sitting in a box for 4 years.

Kev Williams
05-07-2016, 11:24 PM
Might be the wrong stepper for the machine, but someone else would know more about that than me... :)

david forte
05-08-2016, 2:05 AM
So here is a video of what is happening with my rotary.... I am pressing the up and down arrows on control pad and the rotary grinds for a bit and then works. So when it is in the engraving mode, it just grinds and never actually rotates. thoughts?

Bill George
05-08-2016, 9:26 PM
Stepper motors are cheap, just research the part number off the old one to get the right one.

Glen Monaghan
05-08-2016, 10:19 PM
I think the stepper is stalling at first (what you call "grinding") and then eventually it probably hits a resonance that lets it make the first step, and then it is able to continue rotating. If so, you need more current and/or a better stepper.

david forte
05-09-2016, 11:05 PM
Thanks guys.
I was able to get in touch with Ray today from rabbit lasers via email. He thinks it may be wired wrong...so I am going to continue to speak with him to see how to determine this. If that doesnt work, then I guess I will have to try replacing it. I'll update the thread once I have some progress. Feel free to continue providing your input if you have other suggestions.

Glen Monaghan
05-10-2016, 5:10 PM
That's a possibility too. If the phases are miswired, that could cause stuttering, although I wouldn't expect it to finally take off and rotate... You can swap the stepper wires around to determine if you got a phase backwards (which would make the motor buzz or stutter), but exactly how you best accomplish that depends on how many wires the stepper has (usually 4, 5 or 6).