View Full Version : Stabilizing an SMC post generator -What a pain!

Roger Chandler
05-07-2016, 9:50 AM
My SMC post generator was giving me fits! It had become very unstable! It would flash out on me, and want me to download unknown remedies! I had to operate on it!

I was running WindowsXP Pro..........as most of you know, an old and no longer supported operating system by some company that sells windows, so it all had to go, and a new operating system is now installed..........and my SMC post generator feels much better now! It was hard, because my hard drive had become unstable, and I had to copy all those files, and file that thing smooth again! :rolleyes: I know, I know.......it was way overdue, but a busy man/woodturner like myself has only limited time available for such nonsense!

I will say that since I re-turned that hard drive, and finished it, that it feels slick as glass, and even the SMC and other forums are much nicer looking now! ;) When I first got this SMC post generator back in 2006, it was a pretty state of the art desktop ornament, that was business class equipment. Gradually, the Dell Monster began to become all gummed up with debris and required a good blowing out with super charged air, which came in by newly installed Windows. Boy, it really needed it!

Sorry, I don't have any pics to display. Since my printer had gotten to the point it would no longer talk to its mother, even if I promised to get it new drivers, :rolleyes: it was just too stubborn to communicate! Just like a bowl gouge that the flute has been ground away, it was time to get a new one, so it is the high speed steel version that should be the next tool that leads to greatness.......it will copy,print and fax, so its off to the races!

It took a lot of time and effort, but that beautiful grain is showing again,:D and although it is not a burl, it will still be a very nice post generator for SMC, WOW, WC and WTU! And at any rate, I do have my ipad Air2 ;)