View Full Version : Maple Bowl with baskets of illusion treatment to edge

Josh Bowman
05-05-2016, 8:57 PM
Maple 12" across, 3-1/4" high and the rim is 1-3/16" wide.
I had roughed this out ages ago and had it a cardboard box and figured I'd give it a whirl on the lathe. The maple was pleasant to finish turn, but I hated to just waste away the wood and make another, thin bowl. With that thickness I wanted to do some kind of edge treatment to that massive rim. We had Harvey Meyer do a demo about a year ago and I had bought all the goodies to do a basket of illusion from Harvey. I had been taken with them since I first saw them at the Tennessee Association of Woodturners symposium several years ago when Jim Adkins tossed me one to look at that he had in the instant gallery. I can say this, it was fun, but I still can't imagine doing a really big vessel. This is a project for me where I would go out fiddle with it a bit, then walk away. I kept the bowl on the chuck and found Trent Bosch's carving stand very helpful along with a bright light, my reading glasses and a magnifier head band........I was quite a sight to see, hunched over my bench painting those little squares.

C&C is always welcome

David Delo
05-05-2016, 9:20 PM
Very nice Josh. I've been doing some test pieces with beading and coloring to get the hang of it while a few maple & sycamore bowls dry. If my first one comes out 1/2 as nice as yours, I'll be very happy. Again, congrats on your effort.

Rich Aldrich
05-05-2016, 9:25 PM
Beautiful piece Josh.

carl mesaros
05-06-2016, 8:22 AM
Really nice Josh. I saw Harvey at this years Tennessee symposium and was really intrigued by the process. I haven't purchased the equipment to do this yet as I was quite intimidated by the sheer magnitude of completing an entire bowl. Your idea of starting out with embellishing just the rim has me ready to try this again. I kept all the information Harvey passed out at the symposium.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful bowl. Like how you finished the bottom also.

Eric Gourieux
05-07-2016, 9:05 AM
That's really nice, Josh. This is one that is on my bucket list.

Roger Chandler
05-07-2016, 9:20 AM
I am liking that one a lot, Josh.........looks like that basket illusion is gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds! Bravo!

Peter Blair
05-07-2016, 10:27 AM
Love it Josh. Every time I see one posted it makes me want to try to do similar. Most that I see are sooooo detailed I just can't force myself to try but doing an edge, well it just might work. Thanks for the inspiration!

Curtis Myers
05-07-2016, 8:40 PM
Very nice indeed!
basket weave is on my bucket list. Nice job.

Dennis Ford
05-08-2016, 11:25 AM
Beautiful work.