View Full Version : Suggestion for material for Little Free Library

Ron Kanter
05-03-2016, 12:11 PM
Little Free Libraries are boxes of books placed outside that invite people to "take a book or leave a book." There are thousands of them created by individuals who want to share books and encourage reading. Mine is made from recycled baby crib parts and sits on my front lawn in Philadelphia. A picture of mine and a happy reader is attached.

You can see more world wide examples at littlefreelibrary.org
I have been asked to build a LFL by a friend. He lives in a Queen Anne style house and wants the library to reflect the style of the house. A picture of his house and my rough model is attached.
My question, finally, is about building materials. I think I want to use 1/2" exterior plywood, but thought there might be some other better choice. If plywood is the correct choice, what is the grade or code I should look for to make sure I get material that will hold up to hot summers and winter cold and snow. The library will be painted.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Ben Rivel
05-03-2016, 12:15 PM
Im sorry I cant offer any suggestions to answer your question, but I had to comment that this is a pretty cool concept. It seems one city is even offering a $600 grant to stewards of LFLs (LINK (https://littlefreelibrary.org/hooray-for-hollywood/))! That is awesome!

William Adams
05-03-2016, 12:35 PM
Painted exterior plywood should be fine --- no spare bits of siding laying around anywhere?

Definitely use a matching set of shingles for the roof though --- more weathertight, and that's a prominent feature of the house.

These are very charming, and a wonderful addition to a neighborhood --- there are 3 near to me, which I'm glad of though I don't patronize them.