View Full Version : Shop Visitors Today

Keith Outten
09-18-2005, 11:37 PM
Thanks to the Lang family for dropping by today for a visit.

Ed, MeLisa and their son Scott visited my workshop today. Ed and MeLisa are considering purchasing a laser engraver or a ShopBot CNC router or both so we did a couple of demonstrations, one on each machine. The majority of the afternoon we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of both machines and which might be the best place for them to start.

Lunch was hamburgers, hotdogs and cold drinks mixed with interesting conversation. We were so busy I forgot to snap any pictures but I have witnesses that they were really here. Next time I will try to do better :)

John Miliunas
09-19-2005, 8:07 AM
Hey Keith, sounds like a great visit BUT, what's with the excuses for no pics???:eek: :confused: 50 lashes with a wet staining rag!:D Anyhow, the more I've seen of output product from them lasers, the more intrigued I become. The ShopBot looks to be a lot of fun, as well. Anyhow, glad you folks had a nice visit, but next time, don't forget the camera!:) :cool:

Karl Laustrup
09-19-2005, 8:45 AM
Ahh, yes, me thinks the Lang family could be a figment of Keith's imagination.

Where is Tyler when we need him? :confused: :D


Ed Lang
09-19-2005, 8:49 AM
A BIG Thank You to the Outtens for allowing us to spend the day with them and a wonderful lunch!

I hope I can remember 10% of what Keith told and showed us...

I even brought my camera to take a picture or two and didn't remember to go and get it. I am not surprised as I even forgot to mark the spot on my GPS so I can find it again! Now the real bad thing about that is we had to turn around and go back after we left because I had forgotten my notes.... I left them beside that big blue monster.... I didn't mind seeing it again :rolleyes:

More chances to take a picture and mark the spot with the GPS.... and I forgot. That just goes to show you how much info Keith pumped into my head.

Next on the list is a call to ShopBot... Then the laser guys....

Aaron Koehl
09-19-2005, 5:05 PM
Picture Police Motto: If there are no pictures... did it really happen?

John Miliunas
09-19-2005, 5:22 PM
Picture Police Motto: If there are no pictures... did it really happen?

Yeah, but Aaron, anymore it appears as though our Picture Cops are nowhere to be found!:mad: So, if Keith & Co. don't get busted by the cops, does it really matter that they don't have pics to prove it????:eek: :confused: :) :cool:

Keith Outten
09-19-2005, 5:50 PM
"I've Been Busted"

OK, I admitted that I forgot to take any pictures but I did say I had witnesses so some latitude might be warrented in this case. Ed has to make a tough decision and there are big bucks at stake so it is understandable that the conversation was as important as the demonstration. Both machines have some very strong points, I think Ed should buy them both :)

John Bailey
09-19-2005, 5:56 PM

I don't know? Sounds like pulling rank to me. You'll have to do better than that.


Tony Falotico
09-19-2005, 7:16 PM
We were so busy I forgot to snap any pictures

I even brought my camera to take a picture or two and didn't remember to go and get it.

Notice they had matching excuses for no pic's , and both mentioned it in their first post, kinda like they planned it ?? Sounds fishy to me !!! :D :D :D :D

Ed Lang
09-19-2005, 7:38 PM
Notice they had matching excuses for no pic's , and both mentioned it in their first post, kinda like they planned it ?? Sounds fishy to me !!! :D :D :D :D

Fellow ShopBotters have to stick together:D

That is my story and I am sticking to it!!!

Aaron Koehl
09-19-2005, 9:21 PM
Yeah, they spent that time "conversing" and getting their stories straight.. :D

Keith Outten
09-20-2005, 8:17 AM
When Ed gets his new ShopBot maybe he wil post a picture. Possibly that will buy us some redemption :)

In spite of my novice classification as a ShopBot Operator I think Ed saw everything he needed to see in order to make up his mind about CNC routers and whether to purchase a router or laser engraver first. Time will tell :)

Ed Lang
09-20-2005, 8:18 AM
OK, we did have plenty of time to get the story right..... but that if proof we were together. Now the question is where was Aaron when all of the fun was going on :D

Aaron Koehl
09-25-2005, 9:46 PM
Doh! Ya got me..