View Full Version : Simple TV shelf

John Miliunas
09-18-2005, 1:12 PM
For so many of you naysayers out there, who think all I do is collect tools, I do have occasion to use them, as well! :) Shortly before leaving for my surprise trip, the LOML had requested something simple for her entertainment area in the living room. She, being the local garage sale queen, had purchased a couple marble pedestals, which had originally been meant for a dining room ensemble. She's into "funky" styles and thought it would be cool to use them for her area, with some simple shelf to straddle the two for the flat panel, sat receiver and DVD player.

The two key things my client wanted was to keep it simple and, that the shelf holding the components be hung in such a way as to mimic the angle of the pedestals. I selected Black Walnut for the main components and BE Maple for the apron. The apron both, helps to set the whole thing off a little as well provide strength to the entire length (6'). I found the angle of the "vertical" supports to be at 10° and cut those accordingly. Virtually, the whole project was done with pocket screws and glue. Finish was a coat of Velvit oil and a few coats of Arm-R-Seal. Not exactly "fine furniture", but the LOML is pleased with it and that's what counts! Thanks for taking a peek and, as usual, critiques are welcome.:) :cool:

Mike Vermeil
09-18-2005, 1:22 PM
Pretty slick John. I like the two woods together. Nice salvage of the columns.

Now go to Radio Shack and get some cord organizer stuff!

Tim Morton
09-18-2005, 1:27 PM
Looks great John, but the loMYl would never tolerate those cords dangling like that...nice to see you don't have the same problem:cool:

John Miliunas
09-18-2005, 1:59 PM
Looks great John, but the loMYl would never tolerate those cords dangling like that...nice to see you don't have the same problem:cool:

Thanks and BOTH of you guys are absolutely right about the cords. I've got an errand stop already planned for tomorrow and wire management was at the top of my list!:D :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
09-18-2005, 2:22 PM
Nice work John, as usual! I like the finish you used.

Jim Becker
09-18-2005, 2:25 PM
Now, that's very kewel...I can see that some design things rubbed off from your visit with the "master"... ;)

Dan Forman
09-18-2005, 2:51 PM
John---Two projects back to back...an embarassment of riches. The angled lower shelf sides parallel to the columns really adds to the appeal of this piece, as does that gorgeous piece of birdseye. Looks like you are keeping your client well satisfied.


Michael Stafford
09-18-2005, 3:03 PM
John, that a very nice marriage of dissimilar materials. The wood choices with the marble pedestals looks very nice together. I noticed the way you hung the shelf at the same angle as the pedestals. Nicely done and best of all the boss is happy! ;) ...and if mama ain't happy.....those pedestals might be holding up an urn..... :eek:

Corey Hallagan
09-18-2005, 5:02 PM
John, that is quite cool looking. You both have a good eye for treasures!
