View Full Version : Moble Base -TS with sliding table

Jeff Williams
09-18-2005, 8:00 AM
Howdy all,

I am in the process of setting up my TS and am considering a mobile base.

Some say the the TS with slider may be a little top heavy threfore making a mobile base unpractical.

Most grateful if you would share you experience or opinion here.

The TS is the model below and will be set up the same way.


Chris Giles
09-18-2005, 9:15 AM

This appears to be a fairly compact sliding table unit. A mobile base should work just fine on it. I would only caution that when it is in fixed mode, make sure to have good contact with all four feet. Place the saw with base where you want it, adjust the feet accordingly, and mark the florr precisely so you can return it to the exact spot when desired. A rocking table saw can be a dangerous animal.

Jim Becker
09-18-2005, 10:52 AM
Some mobile bases could "flex" more than you would want for this kind of setup, so consider something like the Vega machinery mover...which has no wheels on the ground when you are not physically moving it. (A Johnson bar lifts one side to put the two wheels on the other on the floor for movement) This setup would be pretty much identical in function to the mobility options that the "big boys" (Felder, Mini Max, etc.) put on their sliders and combo machines.

John Renzetti
09-18-2005, 10:57 AM
Hi Jeff, Check out the Carrymaster type "footed" casters from Zambus corp. I've put them on two 500lb machines and they work great. I've found that they also provide a more solid footing that keeps the machine firmly on the floor.
take care,

Dev Emch
09-18-2005, 12:43 PM
Wow! I need to reach for my sun glasses! That is one bright paint job!

The slider looks fairly light weight and is supported by the cabinet and not the floor. So off hand, this looks like it would work on a mobile base. Certainly, it would help if you had a longer mobil base to the right which also holds an extended cut off table and fence.

You may need to watch the heavy stuff. If your cutting telephone poles or other heavy items on the slider, it may wish to tip. But this could happen regardless of whether or not you have a mobil base. The extension to the right would help a bit with this issue.

Jeff Williams
09-18-2005, 5:14 PM
Thanking you kindly for your responses.

The base I had in mind is shown below.

Its available locally and rated for 600lb- the table saw itself weighs 420lb.

The base aint the prettiest but it looks a lot more heavy duty then some of the commercial brands.


Dev Emch
09-18-2005, 5:46 PM
One of my buddies who now owns a used oliver saw once told me a story of how he became an oliver convert.

He once had a powermatic saw with left tilt. A nice gold one with a US flag on its side. Being a shaper junkie like me, he began using the saw as an offcut storage area. Began piling lumber and tools and stuff onto the saw. As the packrat-itis got worse, the pile got higher.

One day, he put too much junk on his saw and was leaning on it when the whole thing tipped over. Well not all the way over but enough to dump the stuff off the top. That is when he realized that table saws tend to be top heavy a bit when the base is sheet steel.

If you put a really wide base on it along with the long right side rip table, your not going to be able to tip the saw to the left that easily. But with this short a base and a heavy enough object located far enough to the left side, you may be able to tip or or at least get the right side to pop a wheel-ie.

Food for thought...