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View Full Version : Segmented Sled questions

Steve Russell tucker
04-17-2016, 9:42 PM
Hello All ,
So I'm doing my level best to try some segmented turning at the moment ,because every time I think I have all the necessary parts/ tools needed to turn a pen i realize I'm missing a drill bit ... anyway I have made a table saw sled to use for cutting rings and finally after watching a million videos and talking to a hundred wonderful people who have tried to explain the layout/math for said rings .it just clicked the other day and I've been like a man possessed trying to get started since. I'm having the worlds worst time trying to get the fence set on this sled for 15 degree cuts does anyone out there have a method they could explain to me?( like I'm a 5 year old) please I modeled my sled after "the segmenter"Brian Higgins and Steven Ogle's sleds and everything else worked out really well the stop clamps and runners for now I am just going to make it dedicated for 12 segment 15 degree cuts so any info on the subject of layout and angles for this sled would be greatly appreciated . thank you all as always Happy turnings

allan kuntz
04-17-2016, 9:51 PM
I fooled around for quite awhile trying to get the prefect sled and then I found it. Google Seg Easy and build a sled like that. You can buy the wedges or use a regular drafting triangle for 12 pieces. I have cut a lot of rings with this sled and every one came out gap free

Bob Bergstrom
04-17-2016, 10:34 PM
Set easy is the way to go. No sanding, glue clamp and go!

Bert Delisle
04-17-2016, 11:15 PM
Check the YouTube video below. This sled works and takes most of the guess work out of the cutting segments that result in perfect fit every time, single glue up with no gaps. Awesome simple sled can be set with a drafting triangle 30 degree for twelve segment rings. Important note is that the sled cuts primary and complementary angled pieces so tops of pieces all need to be topside.

Art Bodwell
04-18-2016, 10:02 PM
Check out Jerry Bennett's website, http://www.segeasy.com/ He has developed a new sled for segmenters called the wedgie sled. It has two fences and the theory is that using both fences offsets any slight error and the segments fit perfectly. View his instructions on how to build and videos on how to use. It has been out over a year now and has taken the segmenting community on segmentedwoodturners.org by storm with both experienced and novice segmenters. You will never need another sled again, because this can be easily set up for any number of segments. Art Bodwell

Steve Russell tucker
04-18-2016, 10:34 PM
Thank you all so much ! I finally got it!!! i made my first rings this evening with no gaps !! I need to make some more and I will post the finished product in a couple days ! I am so excited about it ! That sled is amazing thank you so much all of you thank you !

Quinn McCarthy
04-20-2016, 3:43 PM
I built my sled from a DVD from Curt Theobal. I really like the design. I am still using it today. check out out his website there is more there to see. Also turnedwood.com and Malsolm Tibets website. There is a ton of information out there. I have 4 Malcolm tibbets DVDs now.

Hope that helps.
