View Full Version : Switching sides on the saw

Jesse Busenitz
04-16-2016, 7:29 PM
Has anybody ever switched the guides around on a bandsaw so the blade came around on the right? Or on a 3 phs saw put the fence on the "back" and moved the switch? You could turn a right tilt into a left tilt or vice vera. Just a crazy random thought.

Bill Orbine
04-16-2016, 8:15 PM
What are you gonna do about the thrust bearing?

Bradley Gray
04-16-2016, 8:51 PM
Woodworker Wharton Esherick (http://www.whartonesherickmuseum.org/) had a 2nd large band saw built around bicycle wheels with the guides on the left so he had a L&R pair of saws for making furniture parts.