View Full Version : Does Festool still do reconditioned tool sales?

Malcolm Schweizer
04-14-2016, 1:34 PM
I ran across this site: https://www.festoolusa.com/power-tools/reconditioned/

I did some Googling and found a post on another site saying they stopped selling reconditioned tools, but then I found a more recent post where someone had just bought one. I would love to find a reconditioned TS 75 Track Saw. I've yet to drink the green koolaid, but a track saw makes sense right now for ripping rough sawn planks that I get which are 15 to 24" wide and too heavy for the table saw. I need a 2.25" deep cut capacity. Festool fits the bill.

By the way, I heard there was some rule about selling their stuff offshore being forbidden for US retailers. Is that true? Nobody I have found so far ships to me.

Malcolm Schweizer
04-14-2016, 1:41 PM
335723Here is my current track saw in action. Impressive, ay?

Wade Lippman
04-14-2016, 5:00 PM
I bought a sander last year.

They probably agree not to export, but isn't VI domestic?

Malcolm Schweizer
04-14-2016, 6:01 PM
I bought a sander last year.

They probably agree not to export, but isn't VI domestic?

Well that's complicated. We are a US Territory, but when the US bought the islands in 1917, the VI wanted to retain the ability to collect excise tax on imports. In order to do that, in the Organic Act of 1954 (apparently it took 37 years to write) we remain under Danish customs rules, and therefore we are treated like stepchildren when we ship stuff to and from the US. We do have the same US Postal service as the states, and with them it is the same as the rest of the states to ship. The Post Office falls under the Freedom of Information Act, and therefore they do not have to declare goods to customs, so they can ship the same as domestic.

...and that was the short story! We still cannot vote in the primary elections for president, although we fall under his rules. Bah.

Kelby Van Patten
04-14-2016, 7:03 PM
Festool ran a huge recon tool sale last year. I stocked up! The sale ended. I wouldn't be surprised if they do another one at some point, but I haven't seen any indication that one is coming.

Jim German
04-18-2016, 8:34 AM
The recon sales are a semi-regular thing. They have one every couple of years, but I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for one. It could be another two years before the next one. In addition the big seller sell pretty much instantly and so getting one can be very difficult. I'm not sure if the TS75 falls into that category though, might have a shot at it.

Hoang N Nguyen
04-18-2016, 10:51 AM
If you haven't already, try this same question on the festools owner group. Tons of festool vendors and employees there that might be able to give you a better answer.