View Full Version : Interlocking Table Edge

Jonathan Spool
04-11-2016, 4:28 PM
I am making a large conference table where the top 1.125" thick and is split longwise and across, yielding 4 sections.
The table is designed to come apart and the sections used against the conference room walls as food tables.
I am using hardware that draws the sections together when they are sitting on the conference table pedestals.
A standard T&G profice is not substantial enough to really hold the edges together and I am looking for more of
a deeper trapazoidal type profile to do so.
Can anyone steer me to where I might find different profiles that might do the job? I thought of using XL Dominos
but they can get pretty tight sometimes when you need to pull them apart.

Don Sundberg
04-11-2016, 5:21 PM
Edge banding bit maybe? They have some that have a tongue feature to them. Trying to find a stacked set would be cool such that you could make the make the tongue and groove a little thicker. Freeborn has a wedge tenon but it is only up to 1" stock. I'm guessing they could make a special our you could grind or have ground a set for an insert head.

John TenEyck
04-11-2016, 5:27 PM
How about a glue joint bit or shaper cutter: http://www.infinitytools.com/Glue-Joint-Shaper-Cutters/products/1247/



Jonathan Spool
04-12-2016, 12:59 PM
Thanks guys. I have been looking at a glue joint but its kind of shallow. The wedge T&G could be the ticket. I have an inquiry in to Freeborn as to whether they have any larger sizes of that cutter.