View Full Version : New Lathe! and new Things !!( that somewhat resemble bowls )

Steve Russell tucker
04-07-2016, 12:16 AM
Hello All ! Hope everyone is well! So i got a new to me lathe (a delta 46-701) which may not seem all that awesome to so but its a huge upgrade for me from the craftsman tube lathe I had .the gentleman that sold it to me is a local turner who has been really kind and helpful. He steered me to an online class on Craftsy.com the class on segmented turning is awesome Ive learned so much already and I can't wait to try it (further down the road ) anyway Heres some new stuff I finished over the week end 335333335334335335335336thank you all as always and have a great day ! S.

Aaron Craven
04-07-2016, 8:09 AM
Very nice work!

Ronald Blue
04-07-2016, 10:37 AM
Wow!!! I remember your first posts just a couple months ago and must say you are rapidly improving your skills. That's a nice job on the segmented bowl. Nice contrast and nice form. I am only an amateur myself in turning over all but you are quickly becoming a pro at it. Keep posting as it's nice to see your progress and I am certain that with what I am seeing you will soon be one of the pro's on here. Keep up the good work. You are doing great!

Steve Russell tucker
04-07-2016, 3:34 PM
Sir Thank you both so very much that made my whole entire week !! thank you!

Fred Belknap
04-07-2016, 3:46 PM
Steve did you ever find a club that is within driving distance? We have a AAW sancioned club, Mountaineer Wood Turners. We meet at Cedar Lakes which is near Ripley on the second Saturday of the month. You would be welcome. I live in central WV, it is over an hour drive for me. Nice work you have been doing.

Steve Russell tucker
04-07-2016, 6:12 PM
No Sir,I haven't yet I saw the Listing for you guys on the AAW site, and thank you so much for the invite I'd love to come down , that's about 100 miles from me which I can probably do a couple times but I don't know if I could make it regularly , but I am grateful for the invitation thank you ! The Gentleman I got my new lathe from has been showing me some things when we can get together he's right in town here which is nice ( I don't ride in cars very well:) But again thank you and I will do my best to get down there asap

John Grace
04-07-2016, 7:33 PM
Very well done Steve...for someone new to turning you're work is improving by leaps and bounds. Great job on the new lathe...