View Full Version : Redwood Slab Blotching

Najeeb Hasan
03-31-2016, 5:09 PM
Hello all, I'm new to all this and working on one of my first projects, a DIY redwood slab coffee table. I sanded it down to about 220 and am now finishing with coats of Watco Danish Oil, wet-sanding with higher grits sandpaper in between a couple of the quotes.

Anyway, after about three or four coats of the finish, I'm noticing a blotching effect that I'm not thrilled with. When I look at the table with the light source behind me, the table looks great, to my eyes at least (there are ribbons that are darker than others, but, aesthetically, the variation in color is pleasing). But when I look at the table with light source in front of me, I see blotches that almost look like dark smudges, as if somebody has been running grimy hands over the table and it needs to be wiped down.

Here's some pics. Light behind me:


Light in front me:


I'm not sure how well the pics are representing my problem. Anyway, I guess my question is: should I sand away all the finish and try again? I'm sort of reluctant to do this because: 1) I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, in terms of my project -- and it's generally looking fine, except from a certain angle; and 2) I'm unsure about how to fix this problem. But I can definitely be talked into starting over on the top.

After reading a few other threads, I saw that some folks had suggested sanding to a higher grit before applying the Danish, so perhaps I can try that (even though I had stopped sanding at 220 because I read elsewhere it's better to leave the would move porous so it soak up the Danish). I can maybe also try to clean the table top more vigorously before applying the oil. I ran a tack cloth over it before I applied the oil the first time, but I didn't really scrub it or anything. I saw mixed reviews about applying a wood sealer under the Danish, as it would seem to thwart the Danish.

Thanks in advance if folks have some suggestions or advice.
