View Full Version : Plate/Biscuit Joiner Setup

Anthony Whitesell
03-27-2016, 10:14 PM
Anyone know how far the blade should protrude from the face of the joiner for each of the biscuit sizes (#FF, #0, #10, and #20)? Right now I'm interested in the setup for the #FF size biscuits, but I figure I should get all the settings while I'm asking. Thank you.

P.S. I thought they would have included it in the manual, but I didn't see it.

Mel Fulks
03-27-2016, 10:19 PM
All of the two or three BC I've used had an adjustment which controlled movement of the fence-table . Three positions ,I think.

Mike Henderson
03-27-2016, 10:55 PM
The FF sized biscuit requires a different blade (at least it does on the Porter Cable). I know the Porter Cable used to support the FF biscuit but the DeWalt did not. Not sure of the more expensive joiners such as Lamello.


[But if you have a joiner that supports the FF biscuits, I'd adjust it to cut a slot a bit more than 1/2 the width of the biscuit. That's for all varieties of biscuits - cut a bit more than 1/2 way.]

Peter Kelly
03-28-2016, 2:12 PM
Lamello (and others) make circular biscuits and a special slot cutter intended for face frame joinery. The cutter is intended for use in a router table as opposed to a joiner.



Chris Padilla
03-28-2016, 4:26 PM
Mike got ya covered. You always set up a test cut. Cut a slot for the biscuit of whatever depth. Insert the biscuit and draw a pencil line across it. Now pull the biscuit out and flip it and reinsert it. If you still see the pencil line, cut deeper, and repeat the marking. If you don't see the line, draw another line and pull it out and see how deep it is. You want something like 1/16" - 1/8" or as Mike said, "a bit more than 1/2 the width...."

Also, when using biscuits, I like to presort them before gluing. Set up the cut depth as above and then start inserting various biscuits. You're going to find that some are really tight, some are really loose, and some are Goldilocks (juuuuuust right). Tight ones can become looser with the help of a bench vise. Loose ones can be soaked in water to expand a bit. Sometimes an overly tight or overly loose biscuit can be useful so don't be in a hurry to toss 'em.

I use the FF biscuits in mitered picture frames. It is about the only reason I keep my PC 557 around although the new 4 mm Dominos could easily take their place.