View Full Version : Black and Blue from the Foot to the Rim

Bob Bergstrom
03-26-2016, 10:05 PM
This ash was burned with map gas,brush with a wire rotary brush in a drill, then burned again and brushed again. It appears as if it were sand blasted. Brushed with India ink. I used turquoise blue Pearl-Ex mixed into Johnson paste wax it was rubbed into the open pores and I let it dry for three days. I used 0000# steel wool to buff the wax off the raised sections of the ash leaving it in the open pores. The blue radiates or disappears depending on the light. The bowl is about 15" wid and 4" deep.


Len Mullin
03-26-2016, 11:16 PM
Nicely done Bob, it looks amazing.

Eric Gourieux
03-30-2016, 11:12 PM
I love what you do with the colors on you pieces

Bob Bergstrom
03-30-2016, 11:30 PM
Thanks Eric, I have a lot of fast growing ash with large growth rings. Burning is just a cheap way to texturizing the surface. Any ring porous wood will work well. The softer summer wood burns quickly and is easily brush away. From there a number of embellishing techniques can be applied.

Grant Wilkinson
03-31-2016, 5:40 PM
That looks very fine, Bob. I have lots of ash cut down because of the borer. I'll have to try your technique.

Bob Bergstrom
03-31-2016, 9:54 PM
That looks very fine, Bob. I have lots of ash cut down because of the borer. I'll have to try your technique.
Thanks Grant, this one was burned twice and I'm wondering how many tim s one can burn it to increase the texture. I did stay lacquer over the dried wax to help harden the surface.