View Full Version : Ray Crete - any better options?

Allan Speers
03-24-2016, 11:16 PM
I've been using Ray Crete for years for my more important "wood filling" jobs. I really like it. It's easier to apply than Bondo, and has much much more "wood-like" color, even if tinted.

I just ran out, and I can't seem to find any woodworker stores that still carry it, though it's readily available for concrete repair & on some boat-supply sites. This worries me. Did it fall out of favor because there's something better now?

I sure wouldn't mind something similar that also has the ability to expand & contract. So.... what do you guys use?

Bruce Page
03-24-2016, 11:58 PM
Wood Workers Supply might still sell it.



Allan Speers
03-25-2016, 12:08 AM
Thanks, Bruce. I saw that.

- But I'm concerned that they're phasing it out. There must be a reason.

Allan Speers
03-25-2016, 5:26 PM

Nobody around here uses wood filler?

Help me out here, folks. :o

Chris Padilla
03-25-2016, 6:11 PM
Not anyone that would admit it, Allan! ;)

I know that I don't use it. If a situation calls for it, I just trash the project and start over. :D :D

However, if you find some FAMOWOOD in my cabinet, it wasn't me who put it there...almost empty.... :rolleyes:

Jerry Miner
03-25-2016, 7:55 PM

Ray-Crete changed its name to EZ-Poly but then the company (Valiant Technologies) went out of business in 2008. Looks like Woodworkers Supply might have some remaining stock, but apparently there won't be any more manufactured.

Allan Speers
03-25-2016, 8:25 PM
Thanks, Jerry.

The name "Ray Crete" was pretty ridiculous. No wonder they went out of business! Then again, "Famowood" isn't much better. :eek:

Maybe I'll just go back to Bondo.

Wade Lippman
03-25-2016, 9:30 PM
I use Timbermate. Perhaps it is not what you are looking for; more for tiny gaps than huge cavities.

Jim Becker
03-26-2016, 10:25 AM

Nobody around here uses wood filler?

Help me out here, folks. :o

I use actual wood for this in most cases. It's tedious work, but the end result is ... wood. And that means I can make the fix disappear in many cases. I try to avoid using fillers if at all possible unless it's a painted project and then I use spackle.

Peter Bouvier
09-11-2023, 12:35 AM
Hello, I know this reply is late, but, I was searching the Web for RayCrete, came across your post, and signed up to respond.

My name is Peter Bouvier, I was the owner of Valiant Technologies, Inc., makers of RayCrete and EZ-Poly. Our company, VTI, went out of business in 2008 due to the recession.

When I first encountered RayCrete I knew it was like no other product, and, as of September 2023, I can still say that-because I have not found anything like it. No other product has the adhesion, workability, rigidity and finish that RayCrete had. I even took a few packs with me when I retired to Thailand, and I *still have a tiny bit left*--I use it sparingly when nothing else will work.
The inventor, Ray Nelson (the "Ray" in RayCrete") may still have a bunch that I *might* be able to get to you (no promises), if you're still interested.

BTW, I tried uploading a picture of the opened-and-still-usable pack of RayCrete that keep for times when nothing else will work. LMK if you would like me to investigate this.