View Full Version : Poison Ivy on Green Wood

Marty Tippin
03-23-2016, 3:57 PM
I'm ridiculously sensitive to poison ivy and seem to end up with a rash just about every time I go to process a green log for turning. Poison ivy is pretty pervasive around this area and it seems I always miss a piece of vine that's clinging to the log and I think even after pulling the vine off, some of the residue remains.

Other than the obvious steps - check for pieces of ivy vine and wear long sleeves - what do you folks do to keep from getting the Itch That Won't Quit?

John Keeton
03-23-2016, 4:02 PM
If I were that sensitive, I would wear a disposable paint suit and gloves to remove all bark with a froe. I am surprised you haven't gotten it in your eyes. Be careful!

Dale Miner
03-23-2016, 8:38 PM
- what do you folks do to keep from getting the Itch That Won't Quit?

I avoid any trees with vines that can't be identified as non poison ivy.

If there is any chance that incidental contact has occurred, washing with strong soap and water within a few minutes generally minimizes the allergic reaction to a nuisance but not debilitating level.

Rick Bailey
03-23-2016, 8:48 PM
This is my best advice.;)


Thomas Canfield
03-23-2016, 10:49 PM
Based on my past experiences with poison ivy and some of the Rosewood family woods, "If in doubt, do without". I gave all my rosewood away 7 years back after an allergic reaction to some Kingwood from just turning a pen. It seems that the reactions only get worse with age and he exposure required for a reaction gets less. Good luck.

robert baccus
03-24-2016, 10:38 PM
From an old forester with 50 years in the woods--carry a bottle of windex with you and use it hourly on any exposed skin. Watch out unlacing boots-they always have PI oil on them. Also watch out for chainsaw chips--you probably don't know what's on the other side of a log. It put me in the hospital twice.

Jim Seyfried
03-25-2016, 11:15 AM
Here is some good advice on how to prevent getting poison ivy.


Steve Peterson
03-25-2016, 9:56 PM
I used to live in an area with a lot of poison oak and developed a sensitivity. I would get a rash quite often, but they would be less sever each time. Everything I read indicated that the sensitivity never goes away and actually gets worse with each exposure. I suspect that I was just getting better at avoiding the plant.

A few weeks ago I developed some poison oak-like spots on my hand and arm. My only exposure that I am aware of was picking up a piece of Chechen at Woodcraft a few days earlier. Chechen is also known as poisonwood and contains the same irritants as poison oak and poison ivy. I was surprised that a piece of supposedly kiln dried wood without bark or flowing sap would cause a reaction.
