View Full Version : Help me fix my mudra chair

Raymond Fries
03-15-2016, 12:11 PM
I love this chair and it developed a crack. It is made from Suar wood and the top is carved from a single piece of wood. I put one of my cabinet clamps on it and I can draw it together to close the gap. Is glue the best way to fix it? What is the best glue? Would filler be better for this crack?

Thoughts and comments are much appreciated.


lowell holmes
03-15-2016, 12:17 PM
I would PM George Wilson. I'm sure he has dealt with similar issues.

Rod Sheridan
03-15-2016, 12:18 PM
Hi Raymond, to me those look like stress cracks caused by humidity changes.

If the chair is new, then it indicates that it wasn't dry enough when made. (It could also have been too dry however that's not likely.)

If the chair is in a permanent environment and new, I would wait a bit and see if any more cracks appear.

If they do, I would fill them with coloured epoxy. Regards, Rod.

Mel Fulks
03-15-2016, 12:24 PM
For winter just get it some lotion and glove....couldn't stop myself. I'm betting it's just a drying stress thing and won't get a lot bigger. I guess you could use some wax or shellac stick as cosmetic filler. Sometimes they drill a hole at the end to stop further progress.

John C Bush
03-15-2016, 2:27 PM
I'd use some 000 silk and place 7 or 8 interrupted sutures. Insurance code?? Obama care should cover it.

Raymond Fries
03-15-2016, 3:19 PM
Could be stress cracks but the chair has been in my room for 5 years.

LOL at the stitches. Good one!

I will send George a PM?

Bill Orbine
03-15-2016, 3:41 PM
Dovetail key the crack without stressing it close. You could clamp the stress crack close but you just might inviting new cracks. That's what I'd do.