View Full Version : I planed and planed ...

Derek Cohen
03-14-2016, 8:34 AM
... but I still could not get the board flat :eek:


Sorry ... I could not resist that. :)

Regards from Perth


george wilson
03-14-2016, 8:48 AM
Oh! So it's the old convex board problem IS IT?????

Terry Beadle
03-14-2016, 9:24 AM
I think it's because it's in Australia. If you ship it to England or the states, it would straighten right up. Right. ;-)

Chris Hachet
03-14-2016, 9:27 AM
I think it's because it's in Australia. If you ship it to England or the states, it would straighten right up. Right. ;-)

Or at least bend the other way...

John K Jordan
03-14-2016, 9:28 AM
I once had a plane like that...

Bill White
03-14-2016, 12:47 PM
Ah HAH! Finally found a board that beat ya mate? Must be the crappy old plane that you're usin'.

John Sanford
03-14-2016, 1:17 PM
I see a chair back in that board's future....

Allan Speers
03-14-2016, 4:09 PM
I thought the punchline would be:

".... but it's still too thin."

Say, how exactly DO you plane curved drawer fronts? Surely not with a spokeshave?

Randy Karst
03-15-2016, 1:07 AM
And its not even April 1.