View Full Version : Pushing puddles of color with air pressure

Bob Bergstrom
03-10-2016, 11:38 PM
I watched a video on dropping paint on a bowl and using air pressure to minipulate the paint to spread in desired directions. I used both a empty air brush and a air pistol to push Pearl-Ex mica powder mixed into Danish oil around the surface of the bowl. The bowl was sprayed black with some blue, gold and silver dry brushed beneath the top colors.


jared parson
03-11-2016, 7:07 AM
Very nice effect...what type of paint do you use? After years of turning, I'm only now becoming open to experiment with dyes and such.

Dan Hintz
03-11-2016, 7:10 AM
Love that effect...

Ray Bell
03-11-2016, 7:37 AM
Very nice, if you don't mind could you explain the sequence, or better yet what was the video?

Al Launier
03-11-2016, 8:53 AM
Wonderful idea! The finishes are absolutely marvelous!

Roger Chandler
03-11-2016, 9:45 AM
That really looks cool, Bob......lots of chatoyance, and irridescence. Neat technique, thanks for sharing!

Bob Bergstrom
03-11-2016, 9:59 AM
Very nice effect...what type of paint do you use? After years of turning, I'm only now becoming open to experiment with dyes and such.
I used mica powders mixed with Danish oil, the process can be done with any paint thinned enough to push with air pressure.

Here's a YouTube of the technique. He turns the bowl first and colores it at the end so skim the video to the last part.


Peter Blair
03-11-2016, 10:02 AM
Bob, I too watched the Video by Gary Lowe of Scotland and am playing with it as well but must admit I am not yet able to get the results you do. I am using various techniques.

Doug Ladendorf
03-11-2016, 10:19 AM
That's cool stuff. Love the effect. Off to watch the video...


Bob Bergstrom
03-11-2016, 11:39 AM
Bob, I too watched the Video by Gary Lowe of Scotland and am playing with it as well but must admit I am not yet able to get the results you do. I am using various techniques.
Peter, I have to disagree those vases are beautiful! Each one displays the versatility of the technique. I found that if I keep the amount of mica powder low the transparency gives it that cloudy look. Too much becomes opaque. Th diatomics allow it to shimmer.

Dan Hintz
03-11-2016, 12:30 PM
Peter, I have to disagree those vases are beautiful!


Peter Blair
03-11-2016, 4:59 PM
Doug, be sure to watch all his paint videos. Each has value.