View Full Version : Schnauzer Carving

James Nugnes
03-06-2016, 8:36 AM

Here is the latest just completed. This little guy is a client's Schnauzer. Neat little dog. I like smallish dogs that present as bigger dogs and this guy fits the bill. Hope you like him.

Al Launier
03-06-2016, 8:41 AM
Holy Moly!!!!! That is a great piece of work! What talent!

Bruce Loomer
03-06-2016, 10:28 AM
Hi James
I think your Schnauzer is great, all most looks as good as my real one, tdid you have a pattern or just do it from scratch


James Nugnes
03-06-2016, 10:49 AM
Nice looking dog...wow you are right...I can tell from the one photo that structurally he is very close to the guy I carved.

I make my own patterns usually from a combination of seeing the animal plus photos or just a specific set of photos I ask for from the owner. Funny it is one of the hardest parts. Folks want to send you cute photos of their pet sitting on their lap....NO HELP! But I can usually get to where I need to go without too much trouble. I have built a pretty large library of patterns one at a time as well and I will often look at a pattern set I have and look at the photos I received. It helps me make judgements about the carving I am about to start.

The other issue with photos that I am sent is that I can't expect people to recognize that the photos that would be most helpful to me are taken with the camera parallel to the ground and looking straight at the animal. I usually end up having to correct for some amount of angularity from camera to subject. But I have looked at so many photos now I can almost guess the angle from camera to subject,

Ray Vivian
03-06-2016, 1:47 PM
That is a nice piece of art.

James Nugnes
03-06-2016, 6:08 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind comments