View Full Version : Jewelry Box

Barry McFadden
03-01-2016, 1:52 PM
I mostly do woodturning now but my wife needed a jewelry box so got away from the lathe for a bit and made this. I bought the wood years ago and it's been sitting in the workshop ever since. I think it's Dogwood but I really don't remember. The 3rd photo shows the removable insert in the top and the inside of one of the drawers. I lined it with some fine black kid leather that I have. I came into 5 hides of this leather years ago (each about 3-4 feet wide and about 5 feet long). It comes in handy for this type of thing. Thanks for looking....


Curtis Myers
03-01-2016, 3:27 PM
Excellent job!!!
I really like the tree shaped divider.

Jay Jolliffe
03-01-2016, 3:54 PM
Looks really nice...I want to make a jewelry box for my granddaughter as soon as I'm better & can work in the shop so your box gives me inspiration...

John TenEyck
03-01-2016, 3:59 PM
Very nice, and the tree motif divider really makes a statement. I'm going to steal that idea one day !


Jim Tobias
03-01-2016, 4:05 PM
Very nice box! I like the divider....really is eye catching. "Tree of Life"
I'm sure your wife is happy!


Peter Widders
03-01-2016, 4:51 PM
Really nice piece Barry. Clever idea with the mirror incorporated also.

David Utterback
03-01-2016, 4:56 PM
I agree with all others. What a great box and design!

Al Launier
03-01-2016, 7:05 PM
Very creative divider. Beautiful box. I'm sure you've inspired many!

Barry McFadden
03-01-2016, 8:52 PM
Thanks everyone for looking and commenting...I really appreciate it...

Mike Ontko
03-02-2016, 10:34 AM
That's a keeper! And, it's a testimonial to what can be done with left over project pieces and scraps. I like that the drawer pulls are made from the same wood rather than metal, stone, etc. It helps the eye focus on the overall piece and the pattern in the grain.

Trevor Howard
03-02-2016, 11:50 AM
Very nice looking Jewelry Box, Barry. I am curious what was gained from having the top insert. It appears the same thickness as the drawers so no room for a hidden compartment.

Barry McFadden
03-02-2016, 6:35 PM
Thanks Mike and Trevor.....Trevor....Good question!!!!...LOL....not really much to be gained...just thought it might be nice to be able to take the top out and go sit somewhere and sort the jewelry out or something....

Ron Citerone
03-13-2016, 9:07 PM
Very nice......................ditto on stealing the divider idea!

Barry McFadden
03-14-2016, 6:46 AM
Thanks Ron.....

glenn bradley
03-14-2016, 8:26 AM
Wonderful box Barry. The "organic" cures on the tree divider and the elliptical mirror really compliment each other and the material is quite beautiful.

Barry McFadden
03-19-2016, 9:04 AM
Thanks Glenn...really appreciate your comments..

Art Mann
03-19-2016, 10:46 PM
I'm thinking you need to spend more time on boxes. That design is just excellent!

John Blazy
03-19-2016, 10:52 PM
That is really nice woodworking. Great to have a small project to do nice detailing and be able to focus on the wood grain. Real tactile - I can feel those roundovers. How do the chimes work? When its opened?

Barry McFadden
03-20-2016, 12:55 PM
Thanks Art and John....John the music box movement has a small wire sticking up from it (if you enlarge the last photo you can see it across the yellow coil on the right)..it stops the music when the lid is closed and releases it when the lid is opened...(I didn't realize until recently that if you click on the picture to enlarge it you can click on it again and then click on it again to get the full size look)

Keith Outten
03-20-2016, 2:33 PM
Very nice work Barry,

The wood is an excellent choice, its unique color/tone is perfect for such a beautiful box.

John Blazy
03-20-2016, 2:52 PM
This reminds me of a heart shaped jewelry box made from Pink Ivory (awesome wood - I have a small pc) that was in FWW back cover or one of the Design Books. Have you ever seen it? The dividers inside were freeform like yours. I don't know where he got it, but the wood was almost fuscia red in color.

This inspires me to make one for my wife. Maybe the lid in bright yellow African Satinwood with Makassar ebony case.

And yes, actually just three days ago I discovered that you can enlarge pics by clicking a second time on them - nice feature.

Mel Fulks
03-20-2016, 4:02 PM
I've looked at it several times ,it has a lot of apeal. The wood is so colorful it reminds me of a Deco period plastic box. And the leather gives it a "nice touch".

Jon Grider
05-31-2016, 4:16 PM
Very nice. The wood is beautiful, I don't remember seeing Dogwood lumber before but you sure did it justice in that cool box.

Barry McFadden
05-31-2016, 6:26 PM
Thanks Keith, Mel, Jon and John....your comments are much appreciated. John...I have not seen the issue of FWW that you are referring to......

Tim Brosnan
11-11-2016, 2:47 PM
Nicely done, Barry! I'll echo the other comments here on the nice touch on the divider and the mirror. If I may ask, what kind of finish did you use on the dogwood? Almost looks like a Danish Oil finish. Thanks for sharing.

Barry McFadden
11-11-2016, 6:21 PM
Nicely done, Barry! I'll echo the other comments here on the nice touch on the divider and the mirror. If I may ask, what kind of finish did you use on the dogwood? Almost looks like a Danish Oil finish. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Tim.... the finish is just a brushed on Varathane varnish...... done before I found out about Wipe on Poly.....which is what I use now...

Peter Follett
11-21-2016, 7:39 PM
Just catching up with this one. Very nice design in the lift out tray and good use of leather! I'm just starting a jewelry box and will probably steal some ideas from you.

Barry McFadden
11-21-2016, 9:15 PM
Just catching up with this one. Very nice design in the lift out tray and good use of leather! I'm just starting a jewelry box and will probably steal some ideas from you.

Thanks Peter......please feel free to steal away!!!

Peter Follett
12-04-2016, 6:31 PM
I'm just about to begin the interior of mine now. The case is maple with spalted maple panels. Tung oil finish, 4 coats so far.

Barry McFadden
12-05-2016, 1:24 PM
Nice looking box Peter....be sure to post the inside when done....

Floyd Cox
01-06-2017, 9:39 AM
What a beautiful box.

Vince Rosypal
02-06-2017, 3:05 PM
Very nice Jewelry Box!!!

Marty Schlosser
05-05-2017, 7:09 AM
Hey. Barry,

Nice job... even for a non-turner!

Where'd you get the musical movement?

Barry McFadden
05-05-2017, 7:54 AM
Thanks Marty.... I think I got the movement at Lee Valley though I don't see them there any more... a place like this http://www.musichouseshop.com/store/TunesCylinderMechanismsAndDisks.html
would be good....

Floyd Cox
01-26-2018, 10:42 AM
Such a beautiful piece!

Barry McFadden
01-26-2018, 3:01 PM
Thanks Floyd...I appreciate you looking and commenting....

Keith Outten
01-26-2018, 3:32 PM

Did you ever determine if the wood you used for your box was in fact Dogwood? I can't say that I have ever seen any Dogwood lumber, its the Virginia state tree and it used to be illegal to cut a Dogwood down here.

Barry McFadden
01-26-2018, 6:33 PM

Did you ever determine if the wood you used for your box was in fact Dogwood? I can't say that I have ever seen any Dogwood lumber, its the Virginia state tree and it used to be illegal to cut a Dogwood down here.

Keith... I remember buying it at a wood store called Unicorn Universal Woods in Toronto. They sold domestic and exotic woods and had a cutoffs section where I would get pieces of wood for projects. I'm about 90% sure it is dogwood because I recall looking it up after I bought it because I had never used it before....somewhere around the house I have a wood ID book with actual pieces of wood in it and I'm pretty sure it's in there as well...I'll try to find it...

Chris mcadoo
02-18-2018, 3:48 PM
Very nice box

Bob Potter
03-11-2018, 9:23 PM
Great job Barry.

James & Zelma Litzmann
08-06-2018, 12:50 PM
Absolutely beautiful!

Bob Potter
08-11-2018, 10:26 PM
Great job Barry Keep up the good work.

Barry McFadden
08-12-2018, 8:31 AM
Thanks everyone...I appreciate the comments...

Charlie Hinton
08-12-2018, 3:33 PM
That is a very nice box.
Excellent design choices.
I think having the top tray removable gives the option to use it as a tray if desired.

Barry McFadden
08-12-2018, 6:05 PM
Thanks Charlie......