View Full Version : A word of thanks

Donnie Raines
09-13-2005, 11:42 AM
I know these post can get kinda sappy.....but hey.... :rolleyes:

I simply wanted to extend a thank you to all of the members here, and of coarse all of the moderators, for keeping this web page freindly and the conversation on point. Like many of you, I visit other pages and many of them just get way to heated for my taste. Faul language(we all use it from time to time..), insulting others just don't do it for me!

Thanks for keeping it clean and informative!! :)

Jeff Sudmeier
09-13-2005, 12:28 PM
I will add my thanks as well! I don't quite remember how I came to be here, I think I found it from some old Badger Pond links. All I do know is that once I found SMC, I have not gone to the other forums NEAR as much.

I also met good 'ole John Milliunas here, he has been a life saver on more than one occasion!!

Scott Berg
09-13-2005, 1:01 PM
I could not agree with you more, it is nice to deal with people who only want to help solve your problems and not criticize your decisions, tools, home state, etc!!

John Gregory
09-13-2005, 1:13 PM
I have to agree with those statements above. The posts at SMC have always reflected a great level of professionalism. In other forums one finds many people that think their rude and crude comments are comical. SMC is obviously the premier woodworking forum site.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-13-2005, 1:35 PM
My sentiments exactly and.........while I have experience in some construction aspects of woodworking.....I have only just begun to start building furniture. The knowledge base here from that aspect, lasering, turning, neander....every aspect is unbelieveable. From beginners to pros ...they are all here with the common love of woodworking. The friendly exchange of information, advice and constructive criticisms is a tremendous help to a novice furniture builder like myself. A lot of major tool purchases I've made in the past would have differed if I'd found this site first.

My thanks to all the staff, the moderators, Jackie, Keith and others for the job they do! My thanks to the members for their civil exchange of ideas and commentaries!

Kurt Aebi
09-13-2005, 1:40 PM
Kudo's Donnie!

I can't agree more! Thanks to ALL who make this a Nice place to visit!

Don Baer
09-13-2005, 1:43 PM
I agree that this is a fine place for information. One can pose a question and get several differant approaches to differant problems. Since joining this site I have been able to expand my knowledge greatly and it has caused me to rethink how I do a project. This has made me and continues to make me much better wood worker. Some day maybe I'll even become a craftsman.

Thanks to all who post here.

Aaron Koehl
09-14-2005, 12:47 PM
A kind thank you from all of us. At a cost of $700 per month and countless volunteer hours per week, it's definitely a labor of love..

Donnie Raines
09-14-2005, 1:06 PM
A kind thank you from all of us. At a cost of $700 per month and countless volunteer hours per week, it's definitely a labor of love..

I am sure it has been stated before....but how are the fees paid for without any advertising??

Ted Shrader
09-14-2005, 1:10 PM
Donnie -

That is the main reason we all come here.


Donnie Raines
09-14-2005, 2:09 PM
Donnie -

That is the main reason we all come here.


No advertiseing or the freindly atmosphere? :cool:

Aaron Koehl
09-14-2005, 2:11 PM
I am sure it has been stated before....but how are the fees paid for without any advertising??
Through the kind sponsorship of Hampton Roads Online (servers, hardware, bandwidth), and by supporting Northwind Associates.

I may have to add Google AdWords in the future if we don't get any more Manufacturer's Forums set up.. but I will still hold firm against other forms of banner advertising.

Additionally, our administrative staff is all volunteer. That is, moderation, system administration, and maintenance. I'd also like to thank the many members who donated using the Donate link above, which paid for the server we're sitting on right now.

Keith Burns
09-14-2005, 4:31 PM
You guys hit the nail on the head !!:D

Randy Moore
09-14-2005, 7:13 PM
I got into WWing about 2 years ago after my Dad passed away. I found 2 forums but did not like they way they treated the questions or some of the members. Equipment purchases was ridiculed and members was bad mouthed and cussed at. So I continued my searching, don't have any idea how I found SMC but I sure am glad I did. I don't have a digital camera :( and mainly muddle with the wood. One of these days I WILL make something and "...beg, borrow or steal..." to get a pic on here.

Thank you to all everyone concerned with SMC. I do appreciate SMC.

Aaron, I am glad you got updated on you avatar. You last pic looked like you was about 14 Y.O. :eek: LOL.


John Miliunas
09-14-2005, 8:00 PM
Aaron, I am glad you got updated on you avatar. You last pic looked like you was about 14 Y.O. :eek: LOL.


Yeah, he at least got his HS graduation picture up there now! (Bwaaaaa-ha-ha-haaaaaa!:D )

All kidding aside, I'd like to add my thanks to ALL.... from the owner/operator to the admins, moderators and especially, to the members! :) I could go on about all SMC's attributes, but suffice it to say that, I'd rather not be anywhere else on the Net than over here!:) :cool:

Aaron Koehl
09-15-2005, 9:18 AM
Yeah, he at least got his HS graduation picture up there now! (Bwaaaaa-ha-ha-haaaaaa!:D )

All kidding aside, I'd like to add my thanks to ALL.... from the owner/operator to the admins, moderators and especially, to the members! :) I could go on about all SMC's attributes, but suffice it to say that, I'd rather not be anywhere else on the Net than over here!:) :cool:

Ha ha! Yeah, actually the last avatar was 6 years old, from high school. This most recent one I am rather proud of-- just finished my Master's degree! :D

John Miliunas
09-15-2005, 9:26 AM
Ha ha! Yeah, actually the last avatar was 6 years old, from high school. This most recent one I am rather proud of-- just finished my Master's degree! :D

And you have every right to be proud of that, Aaron! :) Hmmmm....Seems I must've missed the "gloat" AND pics regarding that! Maybe you could include the link to that particular thread?:D Anyhow, CONGRATS!!!:) :cool:

Aaron Koehl
09-15-2005, 9:43 AM
It just occured to me I hadn't gloated yet.. stay tuned. What better place to gloat than my own Creek? :)

Jim Becker
09-15-2005, 4:06 PM
SMC requires a "Masters of Gloat" to be the chief cook and bottle washer...Aaron!!

Karl Laustrup
09-15-2005, 4:49 PM
In your gloat, Aaron, are we going to find out to what you have become a master of [this sentance sounds like Yoda'ese].

Perhaps your a master of messing around? ;) :D

Just kidding.

Congrats. Look forward to the gloat. With PICS.


Jerry Clark
09-15-2005, 10:50 PM
I agree, SMC is like having 4,000 friends that want to help you when you need it. Thanks for a great forum.:cool:

Joe Unni
09-16-2005, 6:42 PM
I like it here!!
