View Full Version : I wouild trade my whole shop for one of these machines!!

George Bokros
02-29-2016, 3:35 PM
Trying to find out where I can order one of these!!


rudy de haas
02-29-2016, 3:38 PM
Because the processing order seems to be backwards (left to right instead of right to left) I'd suggest looking in England. (Japan suffers from the same directional confusion, but that looks like oak to me, so England. )

Tom Ewell
02-29-2016, 4:15 PM
Looks like an optical delusion to me. :)

Bruce Wrenn
02-29-2016, 9:52 PM
Seems like it was featured many years ago at big woodworking show in Germany, if memory serves me correct.

Jim Finn
02-29-2016, 10:15 PM
332786I got mine at Harbor Freight........

glenn bradley
02-29-2016, 10:25 PM
If that was all there was to it, I'd go back to golf. George Jetson woodworking is not for me ;-)

johnny means
03-01-2016, 12:17 AM
Wow, a wood recycling machine. Looks like we'll be able to reuse all those old growth walnut logs.

Keith Weber
03-01-2016, 3:56 AM
Wow, a wood recycling machine. Looks like we'll be able to reuse all those old growth walnut logs.

LOL! Yeah, I'd rather have one that ran right to left as well. You could feed in all the ugly furniture that's been made (Roman Ogee table tops, turned legs, etc...) and get a nice, new log out of it! Think of all the cherry lumber that could come out of old, discarded kitchen cabinets.

Tom M King
03-01-2016, 8:24 AM
I don't see how in the world they get an Oak desk out of a Sweet Gum log.

Jim Finn
03-01-2016, 9:02 AM
Kinda' like CNC magic.