View Full Version : Triton whetstone sharpener???

Frederick Skelly
02-27-2016, 9:05 PM
Hi guys,
Anyone have one of these? What do you think of it? Their routers seem to get reasonable reviews, but somewhere I got the idea that Triton was low end stuff (maybe because I see it in BORGs.)

Some background - I went into a tool store today and saw a Triton TWSS10 whetstone sharpener. The dealer claims Tormek's patent ran out and they copied it. Who knows? But it looks much like a Tormek and has similar features. The dealer wants to move it and will sell it to me for $310+tax. Since he's local, there's no shipping. Price isn't the very cheapest but it's in the ballpark.

http: // w w w. tritontools. c o m / en-AU/Model/TWSS10

Know anything about these?


Frederick Skelly
02-28-2016, 7:01 AM
not the best link i've ever seen.

Deliberately broken to comply w/TOS.

Tom Ewell
02-28-2016, 12:16 PM
I see it on Amazon, ships across the pond to US for roughly $400

I've had the Tormek for years, I usually set it up for a sharpening marathon several times a year for in-the-shop tools.
It puts on a hollow ground and a nice edge. I like the versatility and jigs, so if the Triton is similar it's hard to go wrong.

Truck tools go to the Work Sharp for quick touchups almost weekly (they get rougher use) and it puts on a flat ground which I'm actually starting to prefer, the edge is 'good enough' and can get even better with wet/oil honing.

Tormek is generally slow in rebuilding an edge, once done touchups aren't too bad.
The WorkSharp is fairly quick depending on the grit used and sandpaper is readily available (and cheaper) than several iterations of stone.

Frederick Skelly
02-28-2016, 8:27 PM
Thanks Tom!