View Full Version : Well ...its kinda like a bowl...

Steve Russell tucker
02-26-2016, 7:53 PM
So I ordered a bowl gouge last week (because I don't have one) and the older gentleman forgot to mail it so hopefully I can do a little better next week but for now .....this 332534332533is cherry(zippo for scale) with tung oil it came from a dried plank about 3" thick and about 18" wide that cracked almost right in half during the drying process ...so now I have many cherry bowl blanks to destroy/practice on thank you all for looking at these even though its almost assault on your eyeballs
Thanks again ,

Allan Ferguson
02-26-2016, 9:18 PM
Your getting there. You should be able to get some nice little bowls from that board.

Steve Schlumpf
02-26-2016, 10:11 PM
Be sure to sign and date these early turnings so that they can not only show you how much you have progressed in a couple of years but will also become a great source of embarrassment later on when you think you are getting good at turning! Ask me how I know that!! :D

Remember that the most important thing when it comes to bowl turning - other than form - is to have fun! Well, that and be safe!!

robert baccus
02-26-2016, 10:25 PM
Very ice bowl even for your first year.

Steve Russell tucker
02-26-2016, 10:44 PM
Thank you all so very much !! it is amazing to hear words of encouragement from such incredible turners Thank you Mr.Schlumpf I will do that for sure . I have a very very long way to go but I do love the practice . and Yes Mr. Ferguson I was able to get 3 really good size blanks and still have at least 6 feet of that one plank to cut up its my very first time working with cherry and it turns really nicely,I can already see this hobby becoming a big part of my retirement.
Thank you all again ,

Ken Fitzgerald
02-26-2016, 10:53 PM
It looks very similar to my first "kinda like a bowl" attempt! Nicely done!

Sid Matheny
02-26-2016, 11:51 PM
It looks better than my first and about the same size. You are getting hooked for sure!

Steve Russell tucker
02-27-2016, 1:09 AM
Thank you sir ! and yes Mr. Matheny I am hooked already I'm already pestering "she who must be obeyed" with my dreams of a new giant powermatic :) but for now baby steps and wee lil bowls will do Thank you all again

daryl moses
02-27-2016, 7:47 AM
Looks good Steve, practice makes perfect. [i'm still practicing myself] I doubt i'll ever make the "perfect" bowl but it's fun trying.
On your next bowl try to make it a little more tapered towards the base, it will make it more pleasing to the eye.
Your off to a good start!!!

Grant Wilkinson
02-27-2016, 9:22 AM
My eyeballs were not "assaulted" at all, Steve. Well done! My first "almost bowl" was more accurately described as a "nearly funnel", so you are way ahead of where I was at your stage of turning experience.

Thom Sturgill
02-27-2016, 9:39 AM
My first was a bit thinner, but definitely a dog dish. I see it every time I visit my 95 year old mother! She displays it proudly.

When I was close to retirement, I knew I needed a hobby that would keep me engaged mentally and physically (and possibly pay for itself, though that turned out not to be needed). Turning fit the bill perfectly as you are finding out!.

Dexter Harris
02-27-2016, 11:51 AM
My first was on a Shopsmith. I didn't have a chuck so used the faceplate and a glue block. Didn't have any bowl tools either so I used the spindle gouge. It came unglued at 800 rpms, hit the floor spinning like a cartoon character, rolled across the shop at about 50 mph and slammed into the door. It still sits on the workbench and collects small parts and stuff.

Bill White
02-27-2016, 12:05 PM
You don't EVEN want to see my first one.

Steve Russell tucker
02-27-2016, 5:15 PM
Thank each and everyone of you for the kind words everything I have learned about lathes and bowls and turning in general came from all of you I wouldn't even know where to start if I hadn't stumbled upon this site one day , So any progress I've made ,is a direct result of learning from you all thank you so much and I am looking forward to new tips ,tricks and techniques.
Thank you very much !!!!!!,

Aaron Craven
02-28-2016, 10:56 PM
Definitely not bad at all!

My first bowl was turned from cedar endgrain (because I didn't know better). Screw holes from the faceplate and a coating of polyurethane so thick it looks like someone dipped it in plastic. Lots of runs in the finish, tearout... In truth, I kinda ruined a beautiful piece of wood... But I'm still very proud of it.

We all start at the beginning (most of the time I still feel I've only taken a few steps past that!). Each piece we turn is a physical record of that journey and something precious.

...Except those candlesticks I made that one time... they were complete crap. :D