View Full Version : RAS drop box and cutting station

jack forsberg
02-24-2016, 5:46 PM
Often the argument agents the usefulness of the RAS are unfounded and that the statements of inaccuracy of these machines stems from the consumer grade saw like sears craftsman or just worn out knackered machines old machine not restored . The saving grace is these opinions have driven down the price so one should really only pick up one of the better models and steer clear of garbage . These saw are good for those that cut joints and trench in long stock and of course there still one of the best brake down saws in the shop. Mine does a great job with a split grover making tenons on stock to large to move across the cutter one the table saw or spindle moulder. One of the ones i have the Wadkin CC will hold 1 1/4" spindle moulder tolling 6" under the nut and cut birdsmouth groves in timber in one shot. They don't take any more space than a chop saw to set up either .Here is how i have set up the bench shops small 14" RAS.:cool:


John TenEyck
02-25-2016, 5:20 PM
Jack, thanks for the video. Nice setup. I may have to copy some of that with my CMS, which sort of sits on its own at the moment. I couldn't agree more that the old RAS's are far superior with much greater capability than any miter saw. For shop use, they are a much more versatile and cost effective tool.


Jeff Duncan
02-25-2016, 7:27 PM
I used to use a Craftsman RAS for breaking down rough stock. Accuracy was pretty much crap as you suggested, but it got the job done. Then I picked up a 7-1/2 hp 16" DeWalt RAS to improve things.....but it needs some attention. Right after I got the DeWalt somebody offered me an old Pistorius jump saw as trade for a Delta bandsaw I had. It's a smaller one, only a 4hp w/ 14" blade, but man does it get the job done! As of now I'm not even sure i'll even put in the effort to re-build the DeWalt as the for breaking down stock the jump saw rocks! It won't do the tenon type work unfortunately....so maybe one day I will get back to the DeWalt:rolleyes:
