View Full Version : Retain some bark from a cherry blank

John Nordyke
02-22-2016, 12:04 AM
After chopping out a few blanks from a log section that came from both sides of a major branch, I was left with an odd shaped piece of cherry with striking figure. It's still semi-green, and in my minds eye I immediately saw an 'art piece' containing both unturned and turned/highly finished portions.

I want to preserve some small portions of "whole bark" in various patches on this odd piece. It needs to season, but I don't think I'll boil this slab like I normally do my bowls. The question is, how to preserve the odd bits of bark still on the periphery of the slab. Soak it with super glue? Ideally, I want it to still look natural when I work up this slab six months from now, so dumping resin on it isn't what I'm looking for either. Any ideas? Thanks in advance...

Fred Belknap
02-22-2016, 6:18 AM
Probably the best bet is to rough turn it to about 10 percent your finished diameter then coat the exposed wood on the outside with something like Anchorseal. Put in a paper bag or box till it is has dried. I also doubt that boiling would damage the bark but I don't use that method so I can't say for sure. It would take some of the tension out of it. Sometimes they will crack no matter what.

Dennis Ford
02-22-2016, 8:38 PM
Consider turning it to finished size while wet if some warping will not be a problem. Not the only way but probably the easiest.

daryl moses
02-22-2016, 8:45 PM
I agree with Dennis, natural edge bowls IMO look better if turned to finish size and left to warp naturally.