View Full Version : Leather question for a Thos. Moser style desk

Jason Tuinstra
09-12-2005, 2:30 PM
The next project that I have planned is a Thos. Moser style desk as shown below. I plan on building it with the leather panels, but I've never done anything like this before and am just wondering what your thoughts are. I don't figure it should be too hard. I plan on just building some mdf panels, and using some adhesive (yet to be researched) to attatch them. But I don't know how much strentching is involved. Again, I'm in the dark on this one.

Beside that, I'm looking forwad to the project. I plan on building a hidden cord compartment and secret drawers. Big plans, we'll see how it pans out.


jerry cousins
09-12-2005, 2:39 PM
i did an office desk with a large centered leather panel. just make sure your substrate is perfectly clean - any little bit of material will translate through the leather. i found the corners to be the most difficult - trying to not have it bunch up and thereby causing a need for greater clearance than the running edges. once i had it glued it was a pretty tight fit - i used single edge raxor blades as "wedges" around the edge as i tapped the panel in place.

best of luck - nice project.


Dan Stuewe
09-12-2005, 2:40 PM

I'm not going to be able to help you on your question, I just wanted to say I am looking forward to seeing your results. My wife and I happened upon his "new" showroom in Boston last year and signed up for his cataloge. I've really enjoyed seeing his (and his son's) designs. I'm not quite sure which will come first...me being able to make something like they build, or me being able to afford to buy something from them!

Anyway, good luck with this project!

BTW, how do you pronouce "Thos."?

Don Baer
09-12-2005, 2:40 PM
Since leather craft is one of my other hobbies maybe I can be of some help on this one.
First of all there are two types of leather, it depends on how they are cured. Tooling leather is cured using a vegitable oil based cure and the type of leather used in shoes and belts is cured using a mineral based cure.
The tooling leather tens to be softer and easier to work. I'd use the tooling leather for this type of a project. If wet it to strech it. There are a nuber of glues that you can use and I'd probubly use one from the place where you buy the leather. You can get dyes at the same place to die the leather the color you want. In your area I'd probubly go to Tandy leather. They have a store in Fresno.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of any help.

Chris Barton
09-12-2005, 2:50 PM
Hi Jason,

I have done some of this sort of thig in the past and you are dead on about the use of MDF. I bought my leather from a Tandy store and chose a finished skin (already dyed and polished) and cut it to size using a template of MDF, placing the hide face down on a perfectly flat and clean cutting surface (another piece of MDF) and then placing the template on top and cutting with a razor knife. I glued mine down with yellow PVA woodworking glue and it came out perfect.

Jason Tuinstra
09-12-2005, 5:18 PM
Thanks everyone for the great info and encouragment!

I ended up ordering a black hide from Tandy which was on sale - $77. It's a 3.5 oz. hide. I figured this would be a nice thickness for a writing surface - though I don't actually plan to write on it. It's more of a laptop desk. Becuase a store is so close, thanks Don, if it's not what I like I can take it back no problem.

Also, thanks for the glue recommendation. Yellow glue always comes thru!

Dan, what do you think of the new chair that Thos. (pronounced Tommy :p ) Moser is putting out? From a woodworking perspective, I think it's very interesting. From a consumer perspective, it dosen't do much for me. It's not quite my style, but I really do admire what they've done with the new line. Just wondering what you think.

Roy Wall
09-12-2005, 5:59 PM

Are you referencing the "VITA" Seating collection (pg 18, of the Autumn Catalog).....? ......or the sculpted "ARIA" chairs (pg 4)...?

I too, like the Moser line....and their variations. You will do very well with your next project - looking forward to it.

Jason Tuinstra
09-12-2005, 6:29 PM
Are you referencing the "VITA" Seating collection (pg 18, of the Autumn Catalog).....? ......or the sculpted "ARIA" chairs (pg 4)...?

Roy, I was talking about the ARIA chairs. From a woodworking perspective, I can admire them, but I don't know that I'd actually want a set. But that's just me. I wonder how this line will do for Moser. It may bring in a new set of clients. Who knows.

Quick side note - look at page 22. The new Laptop desk is $15,750 :eek: That has to be a print error. I have an old catalogue from 2000 and it was $5,050. I know Moser is expensive, but there is no way that can be right.

Jim Becker
09-12-2005, 6:37 PM
I believe that the "new chair" (sculpted cherry) was designed by his son if I'm recalling clearly. It's not for everyone, but you can still see the Shaker influences in it. I certainly wouldn't refuse a few of them if they showed up on my doorstep, hopefully not in a pouring rain storm...hee hee

The desk project should be fun, Jason. It's agreat piece. Be sure that the leather is glued down properly and completely as the heat generated on the bottom of many notebook computers can be substantial when you are actually processing.

Roy Wall
09-12-2005, 9:05 PM
Roy, I was talking about the ARIA chairs. From a woodworking perspective, I can admire them, but I don't know that I'd actually want a set. But that's just me. I wonder how this line will do for Moser. It may bring in a new set of clients. Who knows.

Quick side note - look at page 22. The new Laptop desk is $15,750 :eek: That has to be a print error. I have an old catalogue from 2000 and it was $5,050. I know Moser is expensive, but there is no way that can be right.

They must have put and extra "1" in front.....:cool: :p :confused: :D as the standing computer desk is also listed at $15,900.:eek: :eek:

Yes, a new design from David Moser.

Earl Kelly
09-12-2005, 10:35 PM
Jason, I realize you've already gotten your leather. But next time if you want desktop leather with the gold embossing around the edges, Van Dyke's Restorers have it. It's custom order and pricy but for the right piece it would be an asset.